View Full Version : Blank page after 4.2.4 Patch

04-06-2015, 06:34 AM
Hey all,

I have looked over everything and all seems ok but I get a blank page when trying to log in. I have tried all the ususal things, reuploading files, disabling plug ins, checked htaccess, double checked config. I tried using a new style and a few other of the normal steps but still not working. I tried using a different cookie. As far as I know none of the settings were changed. I know I didn't change any of them so I doubt it is a setting or anything. They all seem ok. Suspect files, nothing there that should interfere.

I checked the server logs and the only errors I see are associated with the 123chat and json but are not associated with logging in to the site. Then chat also worked fine and I added it last year.

He does have older versions of php and mysql but both are with in requirements I believe.

BTW - I went so far as even running the upgrade manually to no avail. What am a I missing here?


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I just ran tools.php and I rebooted the server to clear the session table. The only thing I can think of is that 123flashchat integration is having an issue but I am not sure why since it has been working fine for months.

04-06-2015, 09:41 AM
login.php and includes/functions_login.php are replaced by that patch (but may not have actually changed if you already had PL3), so maybe make sure those are OK - but you said you already tried reuploading.

Maybe if you have SKIP_ALL_ERRORS defined in config.php try temporarily removing that to see if it displays anything? I'm just thinking "out loud", it sounds like you do this stuff a lot more than I do.

04-06-2015, 09:51 AM
login.php and includes/functions_login.php are replaced by that patch (but may not have actually changed if you already had PL3), so maybe make sure those are OK - but you said you already tried reuploading.

Maybe if you have SKIP_ALL_ERRORS defined in config.php try temporarily removing that to see if it displays anything? I'm just thinking "out loud", it sounds like you do this stuff a lot more than I do.


The only errors I get when removing skip errors is a time zone message because they have not added it in the php.ini. It just sets it to the default time zone so it should not be related to the log in.

I have done this patch on a couple other sites running the chat with no issues. The only difference is the older versions of mysql and php but both fall into required, php is 5.2.7 I believe mysqli is 5.1.45.

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Does anyone want to bounce some ideas? So far nothing I have tried has done any good.

04-06-2015, 03:30 PM
There is no vB4.2.4, so what version are you really running?

What version of PHP is on the server?

Is everyone who logs in getting a blank page or just you? If everyone, can we get a link to the site and a test login.

04-06-2015, 04:41 PM
Sorry, 4.2.2 patch 4, php is 5.2.7 I believe mysqli is 5.1.45.

I will pm you link. Everyone is getting a blank page when logging in.

Thanks so much Lynne

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I think it is ok now after the php upgrade. I believe while Vbulletin can run on php 5.2 the chat integration was causing issues. It just happened to occur during the patch update.

04-07-2015, 12:46 PM
What's the status code your server is returning when you get the blank page? 200/502?
Edit: nevermind I guess you figured it out.

04-07-2015, 01:25 PM
You still getting the time zone error and if yes is this the only one now as I am sure you know its a easy fix but if you need help pm me