View Full Version : payment system needed

02-23-2015, 10:19 PM
Hi guys.

I have micro cart and the paid subscription system set up on my forum for selling club merchandise etc and set this up to my paypal addy for the club.

What im wanting is another payment system that i can set to a different paypal account for members to pay for stand passes for car shows etc, Because it is getting too much all going into one account, So i have 1 set up for the club and one set up for events.

Dose any on have any idea what plugin i would be able to use.

Thanks in advanced.

02-24-2015, 07:58 AM
Unfortunately my eCommerce is not compatible with microCART even if it's by origin the same script. If you plan to move, then this feature should be soon available for eCommerce.

But, if it helps you, what you ask for is not a big deal. Just an extra email field per product and during checkout the system instead to read the general PayPal address from settings to get it from the product data.

Johnny G
02-24-2015, 01:46 PM
We run Nick's eCommerce on our car site.
It's superb. And the support is top notch, too.

02-24-2015, 06:41 PM
so can this be done on ecommerce and whats the differences between ecommerce and microcart

and yes nick that is 100% what im wanting

02-25-2015, 04:41 AM
There are many new features in eCommerce, especially in commercial version, plus that all bugs and design issues have fixed.

But there is no data compatibility. I changed a lot the database structure so to move your data is not an easy task. That's why I recomment you to stay with microCART. But please read my post:
I had post a fix for the security issue that they found but as it wasn't on the main post most probably they didn't seen it.