View Full Version : bouncing registration emails

02-19-2015, 04:01 PM
my forum piggybacks on another forum's server

the webmaster of the host forum is complaining that emails sent to my AOL account, during the registration process in my forum, are being rejected by AOL, and are ending up in his mailbox.

I've removed my email address from:
settings-options > site name / URL / contact details
change contact info.

according to the webmaster of the host forum the problem is allegedly continuing

thinking it has something to do with a plugin "quick registration via Facebook" that was added into my forum about six months ago, which, among other things, denies registration based on time taken to fill out the registration form.

my question is: is there an easy fix?

I don't want these emails in my AOL mailbox any more than the webmaster of the host forum wants them in his.

thanks for any help or suggestions

02-19-2015, 04:12 PM
If you have thread or forum subscriptions then there could be queued emails. Also I think sometimes mail is retried a number of times, so it could take some time after you change your email address to get all the bounces.

It could also be something else, like the facebook thing you mentioned, but I don't know anything about that.

02-19-2015, 04:29 PM
If you have thread or forum subscriptions then there could be queued emails. Also I think sometimes mail is retried a number of times, so it could take some time after you change your email address to get all the bounces.

It could also be something else, like the facebook thing you mentioned, but I don't know anything about that.

thanks khi; ideally emails would be queued within my forum

that's something I don't yet know how to do

02-19-2015, 04:33 PM
Oh, I just re-read your first post, and I see now that you are the admin (or owner) of the (piggybacked) forum, so you're getting emails because people are registering? That's different, I guess what I said doesn't really apply.

02-20-2015, 12:32 AM
Do you have any spam hacks/mods in place or any security to protect against hackers? The reason AOL maybe bouncing those mails is because they maybe blacklisted somewhere and AOL may check them against a black list before allowing them to go through. That is one option. Another is the hacks you have in place is causing some sort of problem or conflict. You might want to try disabling the FB mod and do a test register and see if the problem persists. If so then disable the plugins globally.

You will need a HTML editor like Dreamweaver or use NotePad. DO NOT use MS Word or Word Pad.

Global disable: open your includes>config.php file and find:


and under place:

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Save and upload again to your server in the includes directory.

If you find that it works after disabling the plugins globally then re-enable the plugins by putting // in front of the code so it looks like this:

//define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Save and upload again.

Then you will have to go through your mods one by one until you find the one that is causing the conflict.

02-20-2015, 09:27 PM
Do you have any spam hacks/mods in place or any security to protect against hackers? The reason AOL maybe bouncing those mails is because they maybe blacklisted somewhere and AOL may check them against a black list before allowing them to go through. That is one option. Another is the hacks you have in place is causing some sort of problem or conflict. You might want to try disabling the FB mod and do a test register and see if the problem persists. If so then disable the plugins globally.

You will need a HTML editor like Dreamweaver or use NotePad. DO NOT use MS Word or Word Pad.

Global disable: open your includes>config.php file and find:


and under place:

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Save and upload again to your server in the includes directory.

If you find that it works after disabling the plugins globally then re-enable the plugins by putting // in front of the code so it looks like this:

//define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Save and upload again.

Then you will have to go through your mods one by one until you find the one that is causing the conflict.

Thanks for the feedback HM666

I'll need to hire someone to effect your recommendations.

02-21-2015, 04:24 AM
OK good luck hopefully you can get it all resolved. :)