View Full Version : Usergroups as moderators?

02-09-2015, 11:51 AM
I run a gaming community, where certain usergroups have additional permissions, an example of such we have a virtual airline, with three usergroups exclusive to it: Airline Pilot (a basic member), Airline Manager (Hub manager, is responsible for his/her own hub), and Airline Administrator. I would like users in the Airline Administrator group to automatically have moderator permissions for the airline section of my forums, but not other areas (such as other games). Is this possible, or are there any modifications that enable this?


John Lester
02-10-2015, 06:44 AM
You don't need any mods.

It can be done with the usergroup manager (to set permissions for the group) and forum manager -> forum permissions (going from memory .... that might not be the exact wording :D ) to set moderating permissions for that forum for that group.

Study both and if you still have questions come back and ask :)