View Full Version : PSN & XBox Live Server Status Widget

12-28-2014, 01:40 AM
Been searching and the only thing I found was this old widget for wordpress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/playstation-network-status/

You can check the status of each service via these links;


Would anyone be interested in whipping up a widget for this?

01-03-2015, 05:28 PM
Anyone wiling to help out?

01-04-2015, 01:59 PM
You may have better luck asking in the Paid Requests (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=30) area for this. There may be more coding involved than what someone is willing to do for free.

01-07-2015, 05:10 AM
Does Microsoft or Sony offer any public feed of this information? Also how would you want it layed out? For instance xbox currently shows


Xbox Live Status

Social and GamingLimited

Affected platforms:

Xbox 360
Affected services:
Accessing or retrieving data stored using cloud storage
1/5/2015 3:57:40 AM CST:
Hi Xbox members. Are you unable to upload Worlds in Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition? We’re working to address this issue right away! Thanks for staying patient! We’ll let you know as soon as we know more.
Notify me when this service or app is up and running
Important! You must be signed in with your Microsoft account and provide a 10-digit US phone number.

Xbox Live Core Servicesup and running

Purchase and Content Usageup and running

Websiteup and running

TV, Music and Videoup and running


This is a lot of information to display in a widget. If you could provide some more details and perhaps a sample mockup (you can do it in paint) I might take a crack at it. I don't think it would be very difficult.

01-07-2015, 01:17 PM
Does Microsoft or Sony offer any public feed of this information?
The links I listed in the op are the only public feeds I am aware of. Sony is a lot easier than XBox as they show a colored bar with some text to display the status. Green, amber and red.
Also how would you want it layed out?
Something simple much like what Sony uses perhaps (Colored bar with some simple text).

If you could provide some more details and perhaps a sample mockup (you can do it in paint) I might take a crack at it. I don't think it would be very difficult.
I haven't given it much thought just yet because I was just throwing this out there to gauge interest but I would surely help in any way I can if you are willing to take a shot at it.

01-08-2015, 03:53 AM
The links I listed in the op are the only public feeds I am aware of. Sony is a lot easier than XBox as they show a colored bar with some text to display the status. Green, amber and red.

Something simple much like what Sony uses perhaps (Colored bar with some simple text).

I haven't given it much thought just yet because I was just throwing this out there to gauge interest but I would surely help in any way I can if you are willing to take a shot at it.

On the Microsoft page there is a bunch of different statuses. Which ones do you want shown?

Using the xpath it is fairly easy to get what you want.


01-08-2015, 05:37 PM
I think what you have in your testscript is perfect and is exactly what needs to be known.

01-09-2015, 01:48 AM
Is that all you want or do you want the services below it as well?

01-09-2015, 02:01 AM
Including the "Xbox Live Core Services" is perfect and all that is needed besides the "Social and Gaming".

01-09-2015, 02:09 PM
Ok I will make takes a little neater and then copy and paste the code in here this weekend.

01-09-2015, 02:15 PM
Thanks for all your hard work so far Andrew.

01-12-2015, 12:36 AM
First thing you should know about this is that it scrapes the information for the sites you provided. I haven't done research but it would be better if Sony and Microsoft provided a data feed for the info.

If either company change the html on the provided sites then this widget will stop working so don't be surprised if it breaks 6 months from now. if it does break it is super easy to fix.

Last some people consider this method unethical but in this case I don't think it is a big deal. You aren't exactly getting great content.

Here is the code. If you want to change how it looks feel free to add some CSS and HTML in there. You need to make sure you put in within the quotes where the break tags are or where the titles are.

$PSN_url = 'http://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/';
$PSNhtml = file_get_contents($PSN_url);
$PSNdom = new DOMDocument();
$PSNxpath = new DOMXPath($PSNdom);

//PSN Query
$PSN_query = "/html/body[@id='scea_body']/div[@id='wrap']/div[@class='boxshadow']/div[@id='main']/div[@id='search_main_box']/div[@id='rn_PSNStatusTicker_Intermittent_11']/p/span";
$PSN_rows = $PSNxpath->query($PSN_query);

//PSN Status
foreach ($PSN_rows as $PSN_object){
$PSNstatus = $PSN_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;


$XBOX_url = 'http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status';
$XBOXhtml = file_get_contents($XBOX_url);
$XBOXdom = new DOMDocument();
$XBOXxpath = new DOMXPath($XBOXdom);

//Xbox Social And Gaming
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='SocialandGaming']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXSocialAndGaming_query);

//Xbox Social And Gaming loop
foreach ($XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows as $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object){
$XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus = $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

//Xbox Live Core Services
$XBOXLiveCore_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='XboxLiveCoreServices']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXLiveCore_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXLiveCore_query);

//Xbox Live Core Status
foreach ($XBOXLiveCore_rows as $XBOXLiveCore_object){
$XBOXLiveCoreStatus = $XBOXLiveCore_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

$output = "PSN Status: " .
$PSNstatus . "<br /><br />XBOX Status: " . $XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus . "<br /><br />XBOX Live Core Status: " . $XBOXLiveCoreStatus;

CAG CheechDogg
01-12-2015, 05:23 AM
Good stuff Andrew this also works as a forum block ... thank you !!!

01-12-2015, 02:36 PM
Excellent! Thank you very much Andrew!

CAG CheechDogg
01-12-2015, 02:45 PM
Excellent! Thank you very much Andrew!

And thank you too CharlieDelta for asking about doing this !!!!

01-13-2015, 02:05 AM
No problem, let me know if you have any questions or want it dressed up. It should be fairly easy to add css to it. If it every stops working you just need to update query which includes the xpath. There are chrome plugins that help identify the xpath to an element.

01-13-2015, 02:01 PM
No problem, let me know if you have any questions or want it dressed up. It should be fairly easy to add css to it. If it every stops working you just need to update query which includes the xpath. There are chrome plugins that help identify the xpath to an element.

def works as is....but been trying to dress this up a lil with css...but no matter where I put the class name within the <br> tags...it breaks...

Thanks andrew and CharlieD for getting this done

01-13-2015, 02:29 PM
I added some simple bold tags for now to dress up a little and will eventually like to add some css later but would it be possible to add a link to both the psn and xbox pages on the status output?

01-13-2015, 02:47 PM
def works as is....but been trying to dress this up a lil with css...but no matter where I put the class name within the <br> tags...it breaks...

Thanks andrew and CharlieD for getting this done

don't use " " instead use ' '

I will create a sample when I get home later this evening. I will also make the output links.

01-13-2015, 10:17 PM
So I just noticed that the widget is blank for PSN. I checked the PSN site and it is offline.
Something may have changed.

01-14-2015, 01:26 AM
Yes it looks like the div id changes based off of the status. I am working on a solution.

--------------- Added 1421207122 at 1421207122 ---------------

Ok I fixed the PSN issue but can't fully test it until the network changes status. It should work though. I had to get the contents of that status a little differently so by doing so it grabs the whole line so I had to then use str_replace to prevent PSN Status from showing twice.

I also add in some basic CSS, you can change it to whatever fits your site, and last I made the statuses links to the appropriate pages.

$PSN_url = 'http://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/';
$PSNhtml = file_get_contents($PSN_url);
$PSNdom = new DOMDocument();
$PSNxpath = new DOMXPath($PSNdom);

//PSN Query
$PSN_query = "/html/body[@id='scea_body']/div[@id='wrap']/div[@class='boxshadow']/div[@id='main']/div[@id='search_main_box']/div[contains(@id, 'rn_PSNStatusTicker')]/p
$PSN_rows = $PSNxpath->query($PSN_query);

//PSN Status
foreach ($PSN_rows as $PSN_object){
$PSNstatus = $PSN_object->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
$PSNstatus = str_replace('PSN Status:', '', $PSNstatus);

$XBOX_url = 'http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status';
$XBOXhtml = file_get_contents($XBOX_url);
$XBOXdom = new DOMDocument();
$XBOXxpath = new DOMXPath($XBOXdom);

//Xbox Social And Gaming
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='SocialandGaming']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXSocialAndGaming_query);

//Xbox Social And Gaming loop
foreach ($XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows as $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object){
$XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus = $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

//Xbox Live Core Services
$XBOXLiveCore_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='XboxLiveCoreServices']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXLiveCore_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXLiveCore_query);

//Xbox Live Core Status
foreach ($XBOXLiveCore_rows as $XBOXLiveCore_object){
$XBOXLiveCoreStatus = $XBOXLiveCore_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

$output = "
.xboxtitle {
.xboxstatus a{
.psntitle {
.psnstatus a{
<span class='psntitle'>PSN Status:</span><span class='psnstatus'> <a href='https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/'>" .
$PSNstatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Status:</span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'> " . $XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Live Core Status: </span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'>" . $XBOXLiveCoreStatus . "</a></span>";

CAG CheechDogg
01-14-2015, 03:30 AM
Isn't it supposed to show "PSN Status: OFFLINE as well as "PSN Status: Heavy Network Traffic " like in the shot below on the playstation site?

01-14-2015, 05:29 AM
Isn't it supposed to show "PSN Status: OFFLINE as well as "PSN Status: Heavy Network Traffic " like in the shot below on the playstation site?

it only grabs what is in that bar. Early that bar showed offline. I didn't realize these could be different.

--------------- Added 1421220662 at 1421220662 ---------------

How should these be formatted?

PSN Status: OFFLINE Heavy Network Traffic


CAG CheechDogg
01-14-2015, 10:43 AM
it only grabs what is in that bar. Early that bar showed offline. I didn't realize these could be different.

--------------- Added 1421220662 at 1421220662 ---------------

How should these be formatted?

PSN Status: OFFLINE Heavy Network Traffic


Yes I think it should show "Offline" as well as "Heavy Network Traffic" and formatted like your example above:

PSN Status: OFFLINE Heavy Network Traffic

--------------- Added 1421257339 at 1421257339 ---------------

I got the following a few times and some of my members got it as well:

Warning: file_get_contents(http://support.us.playstation.com/ap...tail/a_id/237/) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! in[path]/includes/block/html.php(95) : eval()'d code on line 2

01-14-2015, 07:11 PM
How should these be formatted?

PSN Status: OFFLINE Heavy Network Traffic


I agree it should show "Offline" if indeed it is offline. May not need the "Heavy Network Traffic" if it is Offline however but it is livable. :)

01-15-2015, 02:13 AM
Since it currently shows PSN Status: Online in both spots it would be weird for it to show "Online" twice. Would it be ok if I just pulled from the one that shows Online and Offline?

I will fix that php error by making sure file_get_contents isset.

01-15-2015, 02:22 AM
Yes absolutely. We really only need to know if it is online or offline anyway. The other is just fluff. :)

01-15-2015, 03:45 AM
Ok I can't check if it isset because that isn't the problem. That error just means for whatever reason during that time the ink wouldn't load. There is nothing we can do about the link not loading but we can suppress the warning so it doesn't show. If the link doesn't load then the status should just be left blank. The code below fixes 2 things. First it grabs the PSN status you guys want and 2nd it surpresses the error if it can't load the URL.


$PSN_url = 'http://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/';
$PSNhtml = file_get_contents($PSN_url);
$PSNdom = new DOMDocument();
$PSNxpath = new DOMXPath($PSNdom);

//PSN Query
$PSN_query = "/html/body[@id='scea_body']/div[@id='wrap']/div[@class='boxshadow']/div[@id='main']/div[@id='search_main_box']/div[@id='rn_PageContent']/div[@id='rn_AnswerTop']/h1[@id='rn_Summary']";

$PSN_rows = $PSNxpath->query($PSN_query);

//PSN Status
foreach ($PSN_rows as $PSN_object){
$PSNstatus = $PSN_object->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
$PSNstatus = str_replace('PSN Status:', '', $PSNstatus);

$XBOX_url = 'http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status';
$XBOXhtml = file_get_contents($XBOX_url);
$XBOXdom = new DOMDocument();
$XBOXxpath = new DOMXPath($XBOXdom);

//Xbox Social And Gaming
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='SocialandGaming']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXSocialAndGaming_query);

//Xbox Social And Gaming loop
foreach ($XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows as $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object){
$XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus = $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

//Xbox Live Core Services
$XBOXLiveCore_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='XboxLiveCoreServices']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXLiveCore_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXLiveCore_query);

//Xbox Live Core Status
foreach ($XBOXLiveCore_rows as $XBOXLiveCore_object){
$XBOXLiveCoreStatus = $XBOXLiveCore_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

$output = "
.xboxtitle {
.xboxstatus a{
.psntitle {
.psnstatus a{
<span class='psntitle'>PSN Status:</span><span class='psnstatus'> <a href='https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/'>" .
$PSNstatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Status:</span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'> " . $XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Live Core Status: </span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'>" . $XBOXLiveCoreStatus . "</a></span>";

CAG CheechDogg
01-15-2015, 04:55 AM
Ok that will work ... I will let you know if any errors show up with this change .. but so far everything looks good ... THANK YOU !!

01-15-2015, 04:58 AM
One thing I would do is add the text-transform CSS to "xboxstatus a" and "psnstatus a"

It looks a little odd with PSN being all uppercase and xbox being a mix of capitalize and lowercase


01-15-2015, 02:04 PM
thanks andrew,

Works great on my vb4 forum within forum blocks, just paste as is and it picks up all the class names....but for the life of me can't figure out how to implement it on my vb3 forum....
even tried an iframe to capture it from my vb4 site but all it showed was the raw code.

01-15-2015, 07:57 PM
Works great! Thanks again Andrew!!!

01-16-2015, 02:38 AM
thanks andrew,

Works great on my vb4 forum within forum blocks, just paste as is and it picks up all the class names....but for the life of me can't figure out how to implement it on my vb3 forum....
even tried an iframe to capture it from my vb4 site but all it showed was the raw code.

Where do you want it on your forum?

01-16-2015, 07:05 AM
Where do you want it on your forum?

Would like to see it on ForumHome and vbadvanced.

i don't own the vb3 server and the owner is always traveling....I tried creating a plugin pointing to my site:

$console = ob_get_contents();

but I get:

HP User Warning: include() [function.include]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

PHP User Warning: include(http://mysite.com/status/consolestatus2.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

PHP User Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'http://mysite.com/status/consolestatus2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

So I'm thinking its a server configuration issue.....

01-17-2015, 02:53 AM
Would like to see it on ForumHome and vbadvanced.

i don't own the vb3 server and the owner is always traveling....I tried creating a plugin pointing to my site:

$console = ob_get_contents();

but I get:

HP User Warning: include() [function.include]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0 in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

PHP User Warning: include(http://mysite.com/status/consolestatus2.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

PHP User Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'http://mysite.com/status/consolestatus2.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in ..../global.php(400) : eval()'d code on line 401

So I'm thinking its a server configuration issue.....

Are your sites on separate servers?

01-17-2015, 10:01 AM
Are your sites on separate servers?

Yeah...I guess, hence the configuration error? Will this work like it should, on vb3, once the file is uploaded to server? Then place $console wherever I want it to show up?

01-17-2015, 12:51 PM
Yeah...I guess, hence the configuration error? Will this work like it should, on vb3, once the file is uploaded to server? Then place $console wherever I want it to show up?

Well lets first make sure it will work on your server.

Put the following in a php file and upload to your server. The only difference is I am echo'ing out the $output and putting everything in between the php tags. If it shows with this then it isn't a server issue. If it doesn't show then we need to make sure that server can use "file_get_contents"



$PSN_url = 'http://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/';
$PSNhtml = file_get_contents($PSN_url);
$PSNdom = new DOMDocument();
$PSNxpath = new DOMXPath($PSNdom);

//PSN Query
$PSN_query = "/html/body[@id='scea_body']/div[@id='wrap']/div[@class='boxshadow']/div[@id='main']/div[@id='search_main_box']/div[@id='rn_PageContent']/div[@id='rn_AnswerTop']/h1[@id='rn_Summary']";

$PSN_rows = $PSNxpath->query($PSN_query);

//PSN Status
foreach ($PSN_rows as $PSN_object){
$PSNstatus = $PSN_object->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue;
$PSNstatus = str_replace('PSN Status:', '', $PSNstatus);

$XBOX_url = 'http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status';
$XBOXhtml = file_get_contents($XBOX_url);
$XBOXdom = new DOMDocument();
$XBOXxpath = new DOMXPath($XBOXdom);

//Xbox Social And Gaming
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='SocialandGaming']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXSocialAndGaming_query);

//Xbox Social And Gaming loop
foreach ($XBOXSocialAndGaming_rows as $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object){
$XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus = $XBOXSocialAndGaming_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

//Xbox Live Core Services
$XBOXLiveCore_query = "/html/body[@id='DocumentBody']/div[@id='bodycolumn']/div[@id='BodyContent']/div[@class='liveStatusPage']/div[2]/ul[@class='core']/li[@id='XboxLiveCoreServices']/div[@class='item']/h3";
$XBOXLiveCore_rows = $XBOXxpath->query($XBOXLiveCore_query);

//Xbox Live Core Status
foreach ($XBOXLiveCore_rows as $XBOXLiveCore_object){
$XBOXLiveCoreStatus = $XBOXLiveCore_object->childNodes->item(1)->nodeValue;

$output = "
.xboxtitle {
.xboxstatus a{
.psntitle {
.psnstatus a{
<span class='psntitle'>PSN Status:</span><span class='psnstatus'> <a href='https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/237/'>" .
$PSNstatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Status:</span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'> " . $XBOXSocialAndGamingStatus . "</a></span><br /><br /><span class='xboxtitle'>XBOX Live Core Status: </span><span class='xboxstatus'><a href='http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-live-status'>" . $XBOXLiveCoreStatus . "</a></span>";

echo $output;


01-18-2015, 06:49 PM
Thanks Andrew
The owner is traveling so I just tried the <iframe src from my server and works perfectly....I would give you another like but it seemed I exceeded the limit of giving you "luvin's" ---(no homo). Anyways just using the iframe to get the stylings correct ...then I'll have owner upload to server.

CAG CheechDogg
01-18-2015, 09:54 PM
Thanks Andrew
The owner is traveling so I just tried the <iframe src from my server and works perfectly....I would give you another like but it seemed I exceeded the limit of giving you "luvin's" ---(no homo). Anyways just using the iframe to get the stylings correct ...then I'll have owner upload to server.

I gave him the like for you !! :)

01-19-2015, 02:06 AM
Cool, has anyone come across any other issues?

CAG CheechDogg
01-19-2015, 04:25 AM
Cool, has anyone come across any other issues?

Nope...everything is good so far my Man ...thanks !!!!

01-19-2015, 02:46 PM
Working great so far! THANK YOU!!!! again.

02-08-2015, 07:27 AM
this works great but i have a problem when i use the above code it puts it in a block and also at the header of the forum what could be causing this

02-22-2015, 02:22 AM
Send me a link to the issue.

03-27-2015, 12:31 PM
I think PSN changed the format of this page and now uses "up and running" the same wording as XBL....so the PSN link disappears.

03-27-2015, 05:57 PM
I am experiencing the same on my site.

CAG CheechDogg
03-30-2015, 05:12 AM
Yes PS has changed it ..link is also gone on my site as well ..

04-03-2015, 12:54 AM
I will fix it sometime this weekend.

07-16-2015, 12:12 PM

CAG CheechDogg
07-17-2015, 07:23 AM

Defo' bumparooski ! lol :D

09-04-2015, 12:21 AM
Bumpitty bump bump!

10-01-2015, 06:39 PM
any chance to have this updated from any php guru would be greatly appreciated....

01-04-2016, 02:32 PM
Bump. BOOM!!