View Full Version : easy removal of bounced e-mails - working!

11-27-2014, 07:27 PM
I have external mass e-mail sending tool but I need a list of good emails extracted from my vbulletin database.

The best solution for me would be a mod:
- adding a user to dedicated group (parameter or fixed) if user email bounced
- setting the flag 'receive emails from administrators' to NO

Then I will extract emails only from 'Registerd users' group or only with flag 'I want to receive emails from administrators' set to YES.
Then I will delete users with bad emails... esp. when they have <5 posts.

The partial solutions for me for now - as it is quite urgent - would be a script which will process input .txt file with bounced email addresses (I will prepare it manually) and set the flag to 'NO'.

I really did detailed research here for a mod handling bounced emails. Some of them didn't work or have different functions then what I need.

If you know sth that works, please give me a tip/link or so. Thank you.

(I also need this for my second froum v3.7.2... but I think I will first do upgrade to 4.2.2...)

11-27-2014, 08:35 PM
Sounds to me like you need this, [DBTech] vBMail v2 (vB4) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266142)

12-02-2014, 07:52 PM
Thank you ozzy47. I saw this mod but it is something more than I need as I use an advanced external tools for email marketing. But maybe I will use vBMail only to handle bounced e-mails or use it instead my external tools (unwillingly...).

12-02-2014, 08:29 PM
What is it in the external tools that you can not do with vBulletin already as far as emailing?

12-02-2014, 09:18 PM
The partial solutions for me for now - as it is quite urgent - would be a script which will process input .txt file with bounced email addresses (I will prepare it manually) and set the flag to 'NO'.

If you added those email addresses to a database table (or maybe you can import it from the text file you create), then you could use sql to set the flags. You could also change the usergroup that way, if you're talking about changing the primary usergroup. It's not the perfect way to change the usergroup, especially if you have custom titles or ranks, but it works if you're just planning to delete the users.

Edit: well, this idea might work - I'd have to think about it a little more. Maybe a php script would be easier.

Edit again: Actually it will work. I created a table called bounced with one column called email. To set the "no admin email" flags:
UPDATE bounced LEFT JOIN user ON (bounced.email = user.email) SET options = options - 16 WHERE options & 16

12-07-2014, 10:02 AM
Thank you kh99!
I will test it on my forum test installation!

external, paid tools has got graphic emailing, reports, statistics and better e-mails deliverability.