View Full Version : Most users ever online

11-14-2014, 07:32 PM
Recently I've been hit by many ddos attacks something like 6000 guests online every time. Anyways the provider is sorting that my problem now is most users online can I change it so it doesn't count guests or can I reset it?

11-14-2014, 08:12 PM
I believe the only way to do it would be to change the database (or to write some php, but the database way is probably easier if you're not a programmer). The value is stored in the 'datastore' table in the row where title = 'maxloggedin'. You could delete that row and it would get reset to 0, or you could use phpMyAdmin to edit that field. The value is stored as a serialized array so you have to be a little careful. On my test forum it looks like this:


so you could change the 2 in 'i:2' to whatever value you wanted. You could also edit the date if you really wanted to, but you'd need the unix timestamp of the date you wanted to put in there.