View Full Version : How to solve database error?

11-13-2014, 03:58 PM
I installed wamp server and tried to run my forum in my pc to try some mods before it goes online.
I restored the database and all of the files, set new user in the database with all previligue but still i got this error:


Should i edit something else except to config.php?

11-13-2014, 04:25 PM
I haven't verified this myself but it's my understanding that admins get a Database Error page with the actual error text in it for troubleshooting, but regular members don't see the error text; however you can still read the actual error message in the source code for the Database Error page, it's just in a style="display:none" div. Have a look and see if it's in there.

If you aren't seeing the actual error message I would guess the code doesn't know you're an admin.

11-13-2014, 04:49 PM
Edit your config.php file and make sure you have a valid email in this line:

$config['Database']['technicalemail'] = 'dbmaster@example.com';
Then, go back to your site and produce the database error and let us know what it says in the email you get. We need to know the exact error that is emailed to you in order to help out. (Most likely, on a fresh install, you have some wrong information in the config.php file and vbulletin is unable to connect to your database.)

11-13-2014, 10:45 PM
It might be hard to get the email from wamp. Sometime you can get the error by inspecting the source code on the page that is showing the error.

11-14-2014, 05:15 PM
It might be hard to get the email from wamp. Sometime you can get the error by inspecting the source code on the page that is showing the error.

Good point, Chris. You could also log it via AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling & Logging Options > Log Database Errors to a File. Make sure that is a FULL path to a file and do not end the file name with ".log". Just have something like:


Make sure that directory (/full/path/to/) is chmod to 777. The software will create the file.log file for you.

11-21-2014, 04:56 AM
Got it guys,
thanks alot!

11-21-2014, 09:24 AM
So, what was the issue, and how did you fix it, in case someone else runs into this?