View Full Version : How to disable/turn off e-mail account activation for new users?

11-13-2014, 02:58 PM
My host's e-mailing system is not properly set up. How to disable/turn off e-mail account activation for new users? I want users to be able to sign up without having to activate their account.

Also, is there any way to set up your Gmail account with the forum in a way that it sends out activation e-mails?

11-13-2014, 03:07 PM
I believe it is in user registration settings. Are you saying when a user regs you want to be notified in Gmail? I believe that is also in the user registration setting. You can enter an email address there to be notified.

11-13-2014, 03:42 PM
I believe it is in user registration settings. Are you saying when a user regs you want to be notified in Gmail? I believe that is also in the user registration setting. You can enter an email address there to be notified.

No. First thing I said is I want to disable the activation e-mail setting. When a user registers, they must not be required to click on any confirmation link to activate their account BUT I FIGURED IT OUT.

Second thing I asked is if it is possible to connect a Gmail account with the forum in a way that that this account is used to send out activation e-mails. The forum does not have any SMTP mailing set up that is why I am asking if it is possible to send out activation e-mails using @gmail.com and not @mysite.com e-mail.

11-13-2014, 03:44 PM
First thing is at User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration.
About the Gmail account, I would not recommend this since I'm pretty sure Gmail will block your account in no-time. I tried this myself about 2 years ago and I got blocked within a few hours.

11-13-2014, 03:46 PM
Also, while it's nice to make sure that you have valid email addresses for your users, it doesn't do anything to stop spammers or other abusers since it's so easy to create a throw-away email address. So you might just decide to get by without it.

Edit:...well, you might get by without account activation, but users would probably appreciate other email notifications of course.

11-13-2014, 03:46 PM
First thing is at User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration.
About the Gmail account, I would not recommend this since I'm pretty sure Gmail will block your account in no-time. I tried this myself about 2 years ago and I got blocked within a few hours.

Okay, then you are recommending that I turn off the verify email address in registration option until I can set up the SMTP mail server?

11-13-2014, 03:49 PM
Okay, then you are recommending that I turn off the verify email address in registration option until I can set up the SMTP mail server?

Yes, else there's no way for people to create an account and post. (Unless you made it so people can post with the usergroup "Users awaiting activation")

Just be sure to install a good anti-spam plugin for the registration.

11-13-2014, 10:43 PM
For sure some anti spam mods, I recommend the following, The era of Big Spam is over (http://ozzmodz.com/showthread.php/506-The-Era-Of-Big-Spam-Is-Over)