View Full Version : Forum Title & Description ONLY?

11-08-2014, 01:25 AM
I'd like to get rid of everything in the forum home page except for the forum Titles and Descriptions ONLY, anyone know how I can get rid of everything else there on the right hand side?

11-08-2014, 03:20 PM
I can't speak for anyone else here hon, but your question is really vague and doesn't offer much in the way of an explanation of what you're trying to achieve. We may be able to help if you'd be so kind as to provide just a few more details..

Are you trying to get rid of the forum sidebar?
Do you have some navigation items you're trying to remove?
Perhaps a screenshot or link of what you have going and what you'd like removed?
Do you mean the content that explains threads/posts and Last Post information?

You can remove the items listed by editing the template and removing those items. You can figure out which template needs to be edited by going into your adminCP> Options> General Settings< Add Template name in HTML Comments

Then go to the page you wish to edit, right click on it and view the source code, scroll down until you find the Template Name that needs to be edited

Go back into your styles and edit that template to accomplish your objective.