View Full Version : Send NewsLetters But Not Receive and Queud emails

11-04-2014, 08:00 AM
2 days ago i send a emails
I am using vbmail pro and i send email to all members include my user also i check my email not receive emails i dont know why :(
after i am login ACP i see number of queued emails 17000+ and yesterday is 18000
why i and other members not receive emails and why working number of queued emails slowly how working fast this

4 days i ago i test vbmail and i select only admins after i send email i receive but when i select all usergroups email not receive
Total members i have 20,000.

Vbmail bounced setting is Off because i dont know how to set ? its necessary or not ? whats is the functions

11-04-2014, 01:43 PM
In the admincp under Settings > Options > Email Options, if you have Use Mailqueue System and Use Cron Based Sending set to Yes, then you want to make sure you have a reasonable value for "Number of Emails to Send Per Batch". The scheduled task for cron based sending is called 6 times per hour, so you should set the batch size to 1/6 of the number of emails to send per hour (if your host specifies a limit), or to some reasonable value if you have no limit (see the help for "Use Cron Based Sending" in the admincp).

11-04-2014, 06:02 PM
yes i have this setting
can you please tel me the best setting
now i see Number of Queued E-Mails - 15,903
please tell me the good setting

11-04-2014, 07:16 PM
I have to admit that I don't actually know how to choose the best setting. If, for example, you wanted to clear the existing queue over the next 24 hours, you'd need to set it to at least (15903 / 6) / 24, or about 111.

This also assumes you have a busy forum so that the scheduled tasks run. But if you have 20000 members then it probably isn't an issue.