View Full Version : Favories Hack

10-27-2001, 07:25 PM
I will pay someone for a hack like overgrow.com has on its edge forums. The favorites hack is what I am looking for, where users can edit folders for their favorites and store them in their favorites. Only that person can see their favorites, User has a button on the bottom of every showthread to add it to their favorite (bookmark). I tried searching and could only get something that everyone can add and view, not what I want. I also looked at freddy's hack but it looks like its for 1.x


Freddie Bingham
10-27-2001, 08:01 PM
It is probably my hack and I don't think it requires any major hacking to work on v2.x

10-27-2001, 08:05 PM
Would you mind doing for me :)

I dont know if I can mention this in the forums, if not, please edit me. I will pay you to get it working for me :) I tried doing yours and kept getting vb errors.


Freddie Bingham
10-27-2001, 08:18 PM
I don't have that hack any more, if you do attach it to this thread and I will look at it.

10-27-2001, 08:20 PM
Here it is :)

Thanks a bunch :)

Freddie Bingham
10-27-2001, 08:37 PM
I looked and it would take more time than I am willing to commit to it :( The next major version (not the version next week) will have this in some manner so I don't want to spend time doing the same thing twice.