View Full Version : VBulletin asking for Photo ID

10-20-2014, 04:12 PM
I'm currently in the process of transferring my vBulletin license *Xenforo convert* (spare me your rotten vegetables!), but because I can't remember the answer to my security question from oh so long ago, vbulletin want me to provide photo identification instead. I have this to hand but I'm worried about sending sensitive info like this over the internets, what with all the fear of identity theft these days. Is this standard procedure?

10-20-2014, 04:18 PM
Yes it is standard procedure, just copy the I'd, then cover up any sensitive info, and then scan that to them.

10-20-2014, 04:28 PM
What good is sending photo ID via the internet when anything can be composed using PhotoShop, Fireworks and all the other tools in the Adobe Master Collection?

In ten minutes I could create a realistic looking ID that says I'm Elvis

10-20-2014, 04:29 PM
Doesn't obscuring the sensitive info kind of defeat the purpose of sending the ID?

Max Taxable
10-20-2014, 05:06 PM
What good is sending photo ID via the internet when anything can be composed using PhotoShop, Fireworks and all the other tools in the Adobe Master Collection?

In ten minutes I could create a realistic looking ID that says I'm ElvisYou're not Elvis?

10-20-2014, 05:14 PM
You need to prove to us you are who you say you are. Your security question is supposed to be used for that. You've forgotten in. Would you rather we just randomly transfer your license(s) away?

10-20-2014, 05:52 PM
You're not Elvis?

Actually I'm the reincarnation of the greatest President to ever live - Ronald Reagan

10-20-2014, 06:32 PM
What good is sending photo ID via the internet when anything can be composed using PhotoShop, Fireworks and all the other tools in the Adobe Master Collection?

In ten minutes I could create a realistic looking ID that says I'm Elvis

We're pretty good at detecting fake ids/passports/etc. Not 100% or anything. But we have access to resources to verify them.

10-20-2014, 06:44 PM
We're pretty good at detecting fake ids/passports/etc. Not 100% or anything. But we have access to resources to verify them.

Too bad you weren't checking ID's during the last election. Obama's been pretending he's a good President for years.

10-20-2014, 06:45 PM
What is the point in sending a photo when they don't know what he looks like in the first place

10-20-2014, 08:37 PM
What is the point in sending a photo when they don't know what he looks like in the first place

We're asking for a valid drivers license, passport, or other valid government id.

Most customers give us a drivers license, or machine readable passport. I've been checking licenses for a long time, fakes are pretty easy to spot, even when "well done".

Like I said, we have resources to validate ids available to us.

10-20-2014, 08:48 PM
^ That is the norm as Zachery said, furthermore they must ask and insist to ensure lol just like Zach said that you're YOU. Yes some have tried some fraudulent stuff in the past this is why its setup that way. As Ozzy mentioned above use the sensitive data field to include such info.

Alternatively, I assuming here but I don't see why you cannot simply ask for the support staffs company email address and then simply scan your ID, throw the file into a .zip and password protect it, now email them the .zip and the password to it so only they can open it - just a suggestion and if anyone does intercept the file somehow its still password protected.

10-20-2014, 09:04 PM
We're asking for a valid drivers license, passport, or other valid government id.

Most customers give us a drivers license, or machine readable passport. I've been checking licenses for a long time, fakes are pretty easy to spot, even when "well done".

Like I said, we have resources to validate ids available to us.

I see I thought it was just a picture. Nice to hear vb take customers security into account

10-20-2014, 10:40 PM
Its a lot of hoops to jump through, however it has DRASTICLY reduced further customers licenses being stolen when we started doing it. It means there is way less of a chance to have your license stolen.

Max Taxable
10-20-2014, 11:17 PM
Its a lot of hoops to jump through, however it has DRASTICLY reduced further customers licenses being stolen when we started doing it. It means there is way less of a chance to have your license stolen.I recently went through this process as the receiver, and really it's quite simple if you follow the procedures. If it is a legitimate transfer it is expected that all parties are able to correctly identify themselves. In my case, the transferrer knew his passwords and secret security question. Almost like he was the real license holder and stuff.

Paul M
10-21-2014, 12:28 AM
The question has been answered, vb.org is not the place for a long debate on support & licencing processes. Thanks.