View Full Version : Scheduled Task not running

10-03-2014, 07:28 PM
i think my Scheduled Tasks not working

please see attachment

i edit every one of them but noting happened

10-03-2014, 07:51 PM
You edited them? How about clicking Run Now on the top couple of tasks and then see if they start up again.

If not, what changed on your site or server just prior to them stopping?

10-04-2014, 07:39 AM
Did you edit your footer template?

10-04-2014, 03:31 PM
You edited them? How about clicking Run Now on the top couple of tasks and then see if they start up again.

If not, what changed on your site or server just prior to them stopping?
i mean i edit them so they time was reset but its no use!
when i click run they run but after that problem still stand :D

Did you edit your footer template?

10-04-2014, 04:39 PM
i mean i edit them so they time was reset but its no use!
when i click run they run but after that problem still stand :D


Because it must contain this:

<div id="footer_morecopyright" class="shade footer_morecopyright">
<!-- Do not remove cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
{vb:raw cronimage}
<!-- Do not remove cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
{vb:raw vboptions.copyrighttext}
{vb:raw template_hook.footer_copyright}

10-05-2014, 04:09 AM
Because it must contain this:

<div id="footer_morecopyright" class="shade footer_morecopyright">
<!-- Do not remove cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
{vb:raw cronimage}
<!-- Do not remove cronimage or your scheduled tasks will cease to function -->
{vb:raw vboptions.copyrighttext}
{vb:raw template_hook.footer_copyright}

yes it contain in my footer !

10-05-2014, 07:10 AM
Is this a live or a test board? Do you have traffic?

10-05-2014, 04:09 PM
If that code is in the footer, then I will assume the cron is trying to run but is erroring out. So, take a look at your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host) and see if there is something in there.

10-05-2014, 06:46 PM
If that code is in the footer, then I will assume the cron is trying to run but is erroring out. So, take a look at your error_logs (if you don't know where they are, ask your host) and see if there is something in there.

no nothing is in error_log
its strange! all "next time" are stay in past
why they dont show future?

10-05-2014, 08:26 PM
Try disabling your modifications/plugins and see if you still have this problem after manually running one of the jobs.
Note: To temporarily disable the plugin system, edit includes/config.php and add this line right under <?php

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

If so, Create a new style with no parent:

Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Add New Style
Parent Style: No Parent Style
Title: Default vBulletin
Allow User Selection: Yes

Set this as the default in AdminCP > Settings > Options > Styles & Languages > Set Default Style. Then manually run one task and then browse the site using that totally default vbulletin style and see if the jobs are running.

If that doesn't fix it, a link to your site, running the default style/no mods, would help.

11-19-2019, 09:30 PM
Try disabling your modifications/plugins and see if you still have this problem after manually running one of the jobs.
Note: To temporarily disable the plugin system, edit includes/config.php and add this line right under <?php

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

Sorry to res an old thread, but I am also having this issue.

Scheduled tasks won't run on their own. I keep having to delete the vb_session periodically.
The footer is intact.

I have tried adding the PHP code that you mentioned to test disabling plugins, but it failed due to the fact that I'm using vB Advanced (I didn't consider that =_=).

This issue has been going on for some time now. I really need to find how to fix this.
It was just.... random.

11-19-2019, 10:16 PM
It's normal for the vb_session table to contain data, are you sure it's not removing the appropriate records from that table?

11-19-2019, 11:50 PM
I know that it is, but it's filling with over 80,000 lines which is overloading the file (hence the vb_session if full error messages), and causing a white screen of death on my website.
I have no choice but to empty it in order for my website to function, and it seems like it may be because my scheduled tasks refuse to run on their own.

11-20-2019, 12:02 AM
Is your "Session Timeout" setting set to something really high? You can find this on the "Cookies and HTTP Header Options" settings page.

If it's set to something normal such as 900 and you are not getting a significant number of visitors on your forum (DDoS attack could cause it as well) then there may indeed be something else going on.