View Full Version : Hyperlink from PM in Postbit

09-26-2014, 08:01 AM
Good afternoon,

I recently upgraded to 4.2.2 from 3.8.6.

Using 3.8.6 I installed a modification so when a user clicked on 'PM' in the postbit a hyperlink was automatically included to the post in the new PM.

ie: http://xxxxxxxxx/forum/showthread.php/57943-TEXTp=635208#post635208 appeared in the PM so the receiver understood which post the PM referred to/

I have searched high and low for a template edit or modification for either 3.8.x or 4x.

Could any of you kind chaps point me in the right direction ?


09-26-2014, 04:09 PM
You just said in your post that you were using a modification to do this in 3.8.6. Can't you just update the modification to use it with 4.2.2?

09-28-2014, 06:06 AM
Thanks for the reply Lynne.

I have already upgraded to 4.2.2 and don't know the name/title of this particular modification.
I have been through my list of Installed and Downloaded Mods but don't see it.

Bottom line is I currently cannot find it for any version of Vbulletin (which would at least be a starting point)

Currently a user clicks on 'Private Message' in the postbit and only 'Recipient Users' is automatically filled in', no title or link to the post in the PM.

09-28-2014, 04:24 PM
Don't you still have your 3.8.6 database backup? If so, upload it to a test site and see what the modification code is.