View Full Version : Created custom URL Anonymize Script for VB

09-25-2014, 05:44 PM
I have just created a custom URL Anonymizer for vBulletin (or any web site).

I just wanted to post it here, so people can test it out before I post it in the Addons/Mods section. And maybe get some advice.

Everything is hosted locally on your server.

Anonymized Links will show like this: http://example.com/redirect/?to=http://externalsite.com

Lets get started.

1) First, put this at the Bottom of your footer template:

<script src="js/anon.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
protected_links = "yoursite.com,";


Change yoursite.com to your actual domain name. You can also add URL's that you don't want to be Anonymized. Separate the URL's with commas.

2) Download the zip file at the end of this post, and extract the contents on your PC.

3) Edit upload/js/anon.js

4) Change http://yoursite.com to your Site, and save.

5) Edit upload/redirect/index.php

6) Change http://yoursite.com to your site, and save.

7) Upload the contents of the "upload" folder, to your forum root.


Let me know what you think. You can also use this script on a different site, such as a custom short URL, and link your Anonymized URLS to the short URL. If you have any questions, please post here. Or contact me on my site: https://thetechgenius.net

09-25-2014, 06:01 PM
This is something like how Anonym.to has their URL Service. But they encoded their Javascript files, so I couldn't use their code. So I coded my own JS file for you to use locally on your server, so you can use your own custom links, and not have to depend on Anonym.to to be online.

09-25-2014, 07:54 PM
You've uploaded this, in the wrong section :)

09-25-2014, 08:04 PM
You've uploaded this, in the wrong section :)
Well yes and no.

I have just created a custom URL Anonymizer for vBulletin (or any web site).

I just wanted to post it here, so people can test it out before I post it in the Addons/Mods section. And maybe get some advice.

01-18-2015, 04:02 PM
Installed but I'm not sure it's working... links go right to the sites so I don't know if I was anonymized or not?