View Full Version : nginx and vBulletin 4.2.2?

09-16-2014, 10:22 AM
Has anyone here switched their server from Apache to nginx? How did it work with vB4? Did you have to make any changes?

I've read a lot of stories that say the speed difference is "night and day", but I haven't actually seen any examples. Any vB4 sites here on nginx? Or Litespeed? Did you notice a significant performance boost? Did you server load go down?

Please share a link to your forum if you've got it running.


09-16-2014, 10:46 AM
I've been using nginx on my forum for a few years now, and I definitely noticed a performance boost. Page load time wise and server load wise. The default URL rewrite rules of vBulletin might not work, you have to change the vBulletin settings for this or find a complete set of nginx rewrite rules for vBulletin.

I'd rather not post my forum link in public, if you want the URL then just shoot me a PM.

09-16-2014, 12:56 PM
yes, true what Dave said. I'm on Nginx with vb4 and can't complain. I had to do super stuff for optimization purposes, but overall it works excellent with Nginx.

Let me add, if you are on a VPS it is away much better than shared hosting...