View Full Version : Image is embeded and also visible as atttachment

09-14-2014, 01:22 PM

when i add into my topic post an image from URL, and tick that vbulleting should reference image locally, image is then pasted into my topic, that is OK

But when i post the topic, i see the image is in the post and also at the end of the post in form of an attachment. please how i can prevent this to hide the image be as attachment? :erm:

09-14-2014, 08:29 PM
I had the same problem. Only recently after upgrading to vb 4.2.2 images started showing twice as you described. And strangely it did it for some people and not others. My other admin just commented out that part of the postbit template.

I would like to find some setting that would do it though

10-08-2014, 09:10 AM
What and in which file i can comment out please?
// update-SOLVED: it worked to remove image (by backspace key) in advanced post/topic editting and then adding it again by clicking attachments button and selecting that image. Then image is no longer twice in post.

11-28-2014, 12:57 AM
What and in which file i can comment out please?
// update-SOLVED: it worked to remove image (by backspace key) in advanced post/topic editting and then adding it again by clicking attachments button and selecting that image. Then image is no longer twice in post.

This is not a solution though - as you dont want all your users doing this process. lol