View Full Version : vB to WordPress Bridge....Anyone actually using it?

08-29-2014, 12:29 PM
We've been trying for two weeks to get a new site to settle down and be stable from day to day using the vBulletin to WordPress Bridge product from ObscureCloud.

We've got login bugs, logout bugs, instability with posting new threads, new posts, you name it and we're debugging it.

I'm not entirely sure that it's the Bridge package or not that is screwing us up but is anyone actually a long time user of this software that can vouch for it?

vBulletin seems to work fine without it, WordPress seems to work fine without it, put them together and it's a mess.


08-30-2014, 04:29 PM
This should be posted in the modification's thread as your inquiry will yield better results. :) Are you talking about the free modification or the paid?

After reading through the modification's thread you can get a pretty good idea of the state of the modification. It seems that several have it working, but have been assisted by the author himself.
