View Full Version : 2 different domains - One License

08-15-2014, 04:32 AM
I know I can only run vB on a single domain at a time, with one license.

However, what about running vB on another domain, but in an iFrame? Since I am not really installing vB on another domain, and having it show in an iFrame on the other domain, I shouldn't be doing anything wrong, correct? Is this allowed?

I am asking because I have an idea for a landing page, and I want to try out an iFrame, to see how it looks and perform.

Please note that I haven't did anything yet, I wanted to confirm that this is allowed, before I go implement my idea.


Gary (thetechgenius.net)

08-15-2014, 07:16 PM
Me thinks iframes are never a solution but always a problem. But that aside: Using tricks like that will not get you around the license agreement.

But asking here will not help you much. You need an answer from the guys at vbulletin.com. What is it worth if people here tell you: great idea, no problem, and the IB lawyers happen to disagree?