View Full Version : Weird: New Users can change thread title, old users not

07-30-2014, 06:27 AM

I have a realy strange problem with my vb. I tried about 100 things and workarounds for this problem, without any success.

The problem: A user who is registered for a longer time, is not able to change the complete threadtitle. The user can edit their post/thread and of course its possible to change the title in the editor. But the title won't change on the forumview or in the top title of the thread, only on the smaler subtitle of the thread/posttitle the changes take affect. :down:

The weird thing is: If a new registered user does the same, its totaly working and the threadtitle is also changing in the forum view and on the top of the title, as it should be.:up:

There is no difference between the user groups, they are both in the group "registered users". So I think theres just something I don't know or I don't get right now. Whats the cause why old registered useres have other rights then new registered users, even if they're in the same group?!

Thanks for your help!

07-30-2014, 03:20 PM
Are both users trying to edit the title within the AdminCP > Settings > Options > Message Posting and Editing Options > Time Limit on Editing of Thread Title ?

07-30-2014, 03:29 PM

thanks for your reply.

The time limit is set to "2". The wird thing is, this setting is totaly ignored by the system. When I register a usual new user on my forum, I can edit the thread title without any time limit, its working everytime.

The "old" users don't get any time limit for changing their thread titles,too. They can edit it how often they want, but the problem here is that only the subtitle(title of the post) is changing and NOT the threadtitle and the title in the forumview :(

Best Regards!

07-30-2014, 03:54 PM
What method are each of the users using to edit the thread title - there are several ways to do so, so which are they using?

Also, have you tried this on a default style? Have you disabled all plugins to see if it still happens?

07-30-2014, 04:17 PM
Also remember they are editing the post title, not the thread title, if it does not change in forum display.

07-30-2014, 09:11 PM
Thanks for your posts.

I use the default style, only modified by myself. I don't use that much plugins, but I will try to turn all of them off and test again, but I realy don't think this will be the solution.

We use the quick editor bei default, so as far as I know, its not possible to change the title within the quick editor. Also I don't know any option to change the post title only?! The only option I know to change the thread title is, to move from quick edit mode to the advanced mode and then modify the first text field(title). Are there any other ways to change the title for normal useres, which I don't know? I heard about an ajax thing in the quick editor, double click on the title, but this seems not to work for us. Hope we can fix this!:up:

Thanks for your help and Best Regards

07-30-2014, 10:59 PM
If your time limit is just 2 and you click Edit Post > Go Advanced and then change what is in the Title Field *after* that 2 minutes, you are only changing the Post title, not the Thread title. If you change it within the 2 minutes, then you will be changing the Thread title.