07-19-2014, 06:19 AM
So, I'm not quite sure if this fits here, if it doesn't mods feel free to move it.
I've messed with vB CMS and articles for awhile, and it always seems to look...really bad, like a site running phpNuke or postNuke (whoever remembers those...). I have read articles (haha) on the system and tried my best to make it work but I simply can't. Maybe I am just reading the wrong things or maybe it requires more customization than my theme has in order to look good. I'd like to get my entire website on one system (we currently have Joomla for the front-end, using vB only for the forums). If anyone has any tips or would like to help me try to set things up or has good articles on how to work this system I'd appreciate it.
I've messed with vB CMS and articles for awhile, and it always seems to look...really bad, like a site running phpNuke or postNuke (whoever remembers those...). I have read articles (haha) on the system and tried my best to make it work but I simply can't. Maybe I am just reading the wrong things or maybe it requires more customization than my theme has in order to look good. I'd like to get my entire website on one system (we currently have Joomla for the front-end, using vB only for the forums). If anyone has any tips or would like to help me try to set things up or has good articles on how to work this system I'd appreciate it.