View Full Version : sub-forum always puts posts in mod queue

06-25-2014, 05:11 PM
I have a sub-forum below my private moderator forum called Mediation. For some reason, all posts by any members including my mods/super-mods are going into the queue. Mine do not, but members' and mods' posts always do.

I checked the usergroup settings, they are fine. I checked the mediation forum settings and it's not set to moderate.

Moderate Posts = no
Moderate Threads = no
Moderate Attachments = no

The usergroup for mediation members is set to:
Follow Forum Moderation Rules = yes

However, the wording description says "If no, posts are always placed into moderation queue". All my forums have the same setting and they work fine.

06-25-2014, 09:24 PM
Do you have a spam plugin that is picking up on a certain keyword or is the usergroup for those members set to moderate posts?

06-25-2014, 11:55 PM

Thanks for your reply. Like I said before, it is happening to any member/group including my moderators but not for me. It has nothing to do with any spam plugin or such because it affects very short, basic posts by either a moderator or super-moderator or regular member.

I already listed my config in my OP for the usergroup and forum settings. Not sure what you're asking for beyond that.

06-26-2014, 09:21 AM
I think tpearl5 is asking if a mod might be doing it. As a test, you should temporarily disable all mods and see if the problem goes away. To do that, edit your includes/config.php and insert this line near the top, right after <?php :
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);

then if that makes the problem go away, you can disable products one at a time to find which one is causing the problem.

Also, did you check Forum Permissions to see if any usergroups have custom permissions?