View Full Version : Suite Style - Avenger (A Dark - Black/Grey Style) by TheLastSuperman
06-22-2014, 10:00 PM
Introducing Avenger
A Dark Black/Grey Style
I've had a good number of sales off this so I've finally decided to give it away for free, that's right go ahead, download and install this dark and might I add slick style!
This is a dark black/grey vBulletin 4.2.1/4.2.2 (Confirmed working on 4.2.3! *Simply select ignore style version when installing style) Suite style from including some of these features:
Custom navbar and navigation tab look.
Custom sidebar style, the typical block is not behind the widgets/blocks they're all separate!
Custom statusicons for forum_new and forum_old.png along with custom pagination and other image replacements.
Fluid and Fixed Width available!
Perfect style for resolutions up to 1920 x 1080 or larger!
Sure! View Avenger Fixed Width ( OR Fluid Width ( Demo.
*Please Note: The Demo site has a custom CMS Layout in place therefor normal CMS layout sites will see a CMS/Articles page resembling the screenshot (
Questions and Answers
Q. So what do we have here?
A. Well that's simple! It's a dark style for vBulletin 4.2.1-4.2.2 Suite (or Forum Classic).
Q. You have a link to your site in the footer, can I remove that?
A. You are not allowed to remove the link to our site i.e. "branding" unless you pay for a Branding Free Version ( If I find someone running this without the copyright in place I will contact your host and file a DMCA complaint period the end. *Furthermore, we will not host discussions nor reply to any sort of inquiries on here in regards to paid or branding free versions so please do not bring up the subject of either in this thread.
Please Note:
Partial Support is provided when I have the spare time which is sparse by the way so please don't whine and moan in the thread if I do not reply promptly to a question or issue you have simply nudge me with a private message on here instead of posting nonsense OR alternatively you can post in the styles support thread on our company site see below :cool:.
Full Support is provided via our company site, visit the styles support thread (
Notes & Update Information can be found here:
This style is not meant for use on otherwise have at it!
To install the style:
1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style-Avenger-421-Forum-Fixed.xml (OR -Fluid.xml).
a) Import the vbulletin-style-Avenger-421-Forum-Fixed.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style-Avenger-421-CMS-Fixed.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style-Avenger-421-Forum-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!
*If you're running vBulletin 4.2.2 be sure to check the box:
Ignore Style Version
Use style file even if it was created by a different version of vBulletin?
06-23-2014, 06:03 PM
Questions & Answers:
[Q] I want to change the logo - how do I do that because it's not like normal styles... I tried changing the titleimage but that did not work?
[A] Ok that's simple, to explain the logo is used as a background in the css, so it can't be changed like normal styles (editing the titleimage stylevar) because I wanted it to be perfectly centered follow? The only way I could do that and guarantee it was always centered from left to right was to do it as a background: url(image location blah blah) in the css so the css that defines the logo is within additional.css but the titleimage stylevar is what holds the logocover.png file.
How to?!? "Mike shush just tell us now how to change it!" Ok ok fine lol here's the gist of it:
The logo is "logo.png" located in the folder /images/avenger/misc/ so look for it there.
The logo has a transparent cover over it (helps prevent others from copying your logo) and its also within the same folder i.e. /images/avenger/misc/ and the name is "logocover.png".
All you need to do is make your new logo and name it "logo.png" (ensure it's a transparent background .png filetype). If the size differs (width and height in pixels) then also make a new transparent "logocover.png" the same size as your new logo, now upload both - Your new logo will show AND the full size of the logo is now clickable because you also replaced logocover.png ;).
06-23-2014, 06:53 PM
Very sleek :) Can the logo and the statusicons be changed easily?
06-23-2014, 06:57 PM
Very sleek :) Can the logo and the statusicons be changed easily?
Thanks! Sure they can, you can do the normal "View image OR View Image Location" in your browser and it will show you the image name and location, now simply (make the new logo or statusicon and name it the same) drop your new image whether that's a logo or statusicon over the old file and since they're named the same it will overwrite the old file ;).
This should be a 100% completed style, if however you fins anything "off" simply post and I'll sort it asap but it's on quite a few sites already with no errors reported.
*IF however you meant by this:
Very sleek :) Can the logo and the statusicons be changed easily?
THAT is it this like some of my other styles from the past? Then it is yet I made the logo clickable on this one since others always asked how to change that in my other styles in the past so went back to the norm this time respectively.
*Please note though that this style is still similar to my past ones where the logo, while its clickable now has a transparent cover over it so if you make a new logo it is located in this folder /images/avenger/misc/logo.png <-- the filename for the logo is "logo.png" and the transparent cover is "logocover.png" so be sure to make a new "logocover.png" as well , the same size as the new logo.
^ So to sum it up, don't let the above explanation blow your mind simply say "Ohh ok so if I make a new logo and it's 200 x 150 pixels, I need to redo the transparent "logocover.png" to be a transparent blank .png image the same size as the logo 200x150px - Ok I got it now" :cool:.
Edit: Dave I added clearer intructions on how to change the logo in the 2nd post :D.
06-23-2014, 07:03 PM
Cool....I know how to change them ok :) need to make them now lol
06-23-2014, 07:09 PM
Cool....I know how to change them ok :) need to make them now lol
Ok great and yes I'm hit with that message quite often too - for shame, FOR SHAME lol!
06-25-2014, 06:41 PM
There is no branding link showing on this style.
Also, I would only suggest that articles on the cms be in a wrapper of sorts. Maybe just a 1 px line?
06-25-2014, 08:41 PM
There is no branding link showing on this style.
Also, I would only suggest that articles on the cms be in a wrapper of sorts. Maybe just a 1 px line?
You checking the right style? I just uploaded the copies from here fixed and fluid, they both show it but mums the word on that not up for discussion please PM me regarding that ;).
Hmm the cms was done that way for a reason I know I had ran into issues w/ how the articles displayed on the main cms page versus subsequent pages due to some templates using shared css so I might do something with it or not haven't decided yet honestly.
07-10-2014, 10:26 PM
I've noticed that the style is offset to one side. How may I correct that?
07-10-2014, 10:34 PM
I've noticed that the style is offset to one side. How may I correct that?
Sit on the other side of the monitor. :D:p
07-10-2014, 10:40 PM
Will this be updated to work with 4.2.2 PL1 at any point
07-11-2014, 01:41 AM
Will this be updated to work with 4.2.2 PL1 at any point
I'm running it on the very latest 4.2.2 and it works. A little wop sided but it works ;)
07-11-2014, 01:42 AM
Sit on the other side of the monitor. :D:p
I started to take a hack saw to my monitor but then realized it might all pour out :)
07-11-2014, 01:49 AM
Lmao :)
07-12-2014, 04:19 AM
But but (lol) it works on 4.2.2, designed in 4.2.1 but also installed on a few 4.2.2 boards w/o the lopsidedness HOWEVER Gary was right before and I patched the file so is it up on your site now where I can test Gary or do you mind throwing me a screenshot when you have the time?
Force tell it YES to ignore version when importing:
Ignore Style Version
Use style file even if it was created by a different version of vBulletin?
I started to take a hack saw to my monitor but then realized it might all pour out :)
Lmao :)
So stuff pours out of monitors besides dribble and knowledge?! If it comes in a variety of flavors we'll be set! OMG WORLD HUNGER AVERTED! :p
07-12-2014, 05:03 AM
That's ok, I deleted it. I couldn't make it work with my background, to much off center.
Thanks for taking the time building it and, patching it.
07-12-2014, 07:21 PM
I started to take a hack saw to my monitor but then realized it might all pour out :)
Lmao :)
That's ok, I deleted it. I couldn't make it work with my background, to much off center.
Thanks for taking the time building it and, patching it.
Next time if it's one of my styles post the issue in the thread, if you look back at Avenger Blue I helped a few people do some custom stuff to it and I don't mind so long as it's within the styles thread so others can see and gather ideas from it too ;).
Meh I try, if I had more time or a clone machine I'd be set, wouldn't we all? :cool:
07-12-2014, 09:10 PM
Didn't want to bother you with such a trivial matter. I know you put a lot of work into your releases and I didn't want to be a headache :)
Before I gave up on trying to fix it myself, other than the offset, It was (IMO) the BEST looking gaming style I've seen.
I had put so much time and effort into it but just couldn't get it exactly right with the offset. So, in a moment of frustration, I deleted it:(
In a few days when I'm done reworking XiTCLUBS ('s latest style, I'll check out your patched style. I really liked what I did with it.
07-12-2014, 11:13 PM
DISREGARD --- > How / where do I add padding to left side of cms articles?
The offset is slightly worse, let me explain ... To note* (This is not really noticeable using the style as you have designed it*)
The only way it becomes noticeable is if you do as I have tried to do and use a full image as the background. So, it's really not your problem as much as it is mine. I would not expect you to address my situation as it is not the norm.
Let me explain further so that you will understand how I notice the offset so quickly.
I like to personalize most any fixed style I place on my site. This usually involves changing the background image to accentuate the center of the page, my idea of drawing the eye to the content. Here is what I do:
1. Whatever the width of the style is I'll make a blank (canvas if you will) the same width as the fixed size using my image editor (Paint Shop Pro).
2. To finish out the sides of the background I will add an even amount to each side of the center image (the canvas I spoke of) using a different color or image that matches everything else.
This is how it's so noticeable to me right off the bat. If it were centered, all the content would be inside the "canvas".
Does any of this make sense?
SO, as you can see, it's really just my problem. Your style looks really nice the way it is. It's just not one I can alter the background on as I like to do.
I'm sorry for being such a pain :)
07-14-2014, 08:14 PM
DISREGARD --- > How / where do I add padding to left side of cms articles?
The offset is slightly worse, let me explain ... To note* (This is not really noticeable using the style as you have designed it*)
The only way it becomes noticeable is if you do as I have tried to do and use a full image as the background. So, it's really not your problem as much as it is mine. I would not expect you to address my situation as it is not the norm.
Let me explain further so that you will understand how I notice the offset so quickly.
I like to personalize most any fixed style I place on my site. This usually involves changing the background image to accentuate the center of the page, my idea of drawing the eye to the content. Here is what I do:
1. Whatever the width of the style is I'll make a blank (canvas if you will) the same width as the fixed size using my image editor (Paint Shop Pro).
2. To finish out the sides of the background I will add an even amount to each side of the center image (the canvas I spoke of) using a different color or image that matches everything else.
This is how it's so noticeable to me right off the bat. If it were centered, all the content would be inside the "canvas".
Does any of this make sense?
SO, as you can see, it's really just my problem. Your style looks really nice the way it is. It's just not one I can alter the background on as I like to do.
I'm sorry for being such a pain :)
If you will make me a temp admin account w/ access to modify styles only nothing else and pm me the details I'll fix er' up in a hit & run style fashion (lol) then you can delete the admin account, lemme know ;).
07-15-2014, 12:20 AM
Thanks Mike,
Help me figure something out .... exactly what time did you do your last file update for this style?
The style is now centered. I tinkered with it during the early morning hours between about 1-6 am today. During that time I at some point tried for the 2nd or 3rd time downloading and uploading your style's xml. I don't know whether it was myself or you that fixed it.
Here ( is what it looks like now.
I created you an account which I will leave active.
Pass: I'll pm it to you
btw, the style is no where near finished so what you see is just the beginning of the project.
07-16-2014, 06:39 PM
Thanks Mike,
Help me figure something out .... exactly what time did you do your last file update for this style?
The style is now centered. I tinkered with it during the early morning hours between about 1-6 am today. During that time I at some point tried for the 2nd or 3rd time downloading and uploading your style's xml. I don't know whether it was myself or you that fixed it.
Here ( is what it looks like now.
I created you an account which I will leave active.
Pass: I'll pm it to you
btw, the style is no where near finished so what you see is just the beginning of the project.
It was after you reported the missing you know what lol, I went back and found I had included the version without the link etc.
Now that I think about it, I believe the one I re-uploaded in the zip had a few more misc updates than the one taken from my live site (one was on live site the other localhost the entire time) and I bet that's what threw you off, sorry about that! One should also have some shading under the navigation tab font and two corners, when you see that you know it's the most current version ;).
07-16-2014, 08:36 PM
It was after you reported the missing you know what lol, I went back and found I had included the version without the link etc.
Now that I think about it, I believe the one I re-uploaded in the zip had a few more misc updates than the one taken from my live site (one was on live site the other localhost the entire time) and I bet that's what threw you off, sorry about that! One should also have some shading under the navigation tab font and two corners, when you see that you know it's the most current version ;).
Everything is looking good now. I decided that rather than make it a gaming style, I would tweak the graphics to represent my main style (Amateur Radio related). I've got just a few more tweaks and it will be my default style.
Really looking good and almost finished :)
Thanks for another great product and, thanks for being so supportive and patient.
07-19-2014, 02:42 PM
Hi Michael,
I think the style is stunning and perfect for what i was looking, the only very slight issue i have come across is using the fluid style on larger resolutions (ie) 29" 2560 x 1080 display
The forum category where it say thread/posts and last post gets miss-aligned but on iphones, ipads and smaller screens it's perfect.
No panic if i can't alter it, but just thought i might bring it to your attention
Iv'e added a screen shot
Many thanks
07-21-2014, 01:09 AM
Will this be updated to work with 4.2.2 PL1 at any point
I just imported this into a new clients 4.2.2 pl1 and sure enough looks like you jinxed me Force :p jk jk but now I C what you mean it didn't import any stylevars nor the modified templates and additional.css was completely empty... is that what you were referring to? I'm trying to figure out why this 4.2.2 site and not others in the past.
Hi Michael,
I think the style is stunning and perfect for what i was looking, the only very slight issue i have come across is using the fluid style on larger resolutions (ie) 29" 2560 x 1080 display
The forum category where it say thread/posts and last post gets miss-aligned but on iphones, ipads and smaller screens it's perfect.
No panic if i can't alter it, but just thought i might bring it to your attention
Iv'e added a screen shot
Many thanks
K will see what I can do, might just increase the image size or set to repeat.
07-21-2014, 08:31 PM
Ok Force for some odd reason on the 4.2.2 I was on, if you imported the CMS and Blog style .xml files (and chose to overwrite) it set the style back to default so only import the forum.xml style file and check, let me know if that sorted it so I can determine if this is a bug or not and submit to the tracker - thanks!
07-23-2014, 11:50 AM
Ok Force for some odd reason on the 4.2.2 I was on, if you imported the CMS and Blog style .xml files (and chose to overwrite) it set the style back to default, so only import the forum.xml style file and check, let me know if that sorted it so I can determine if this is a bug or not and submit to the tracker - thanks!
Sorry I can't test this for you I can give you access to all my stuff and you can test it if you want. I removed it as it was not working, but this was before the heart attack. I would love to get this working on my forums as I love the style, but it's too much for me to do now so posting and answering some questions for now is the best I can do.
07-23-2014, 06:04 PM
Sorry I can't test this for you I can give you access to all my stuff and you can test it if you want. I removed it as it was not working, but this was before the heart attack. I would love to get this working on my forums as I love the style, but it's too much for me to do now so posting and answering some questions for now is the best I can do.
I saw your post regarding that and I'm sorry to hear you went through one, I hope you're back to feeling like 100% ASAP!!!!!!!
When I have some spare time I might just ask for login to test but I believe, cannot confirm yet that it's a random/intermittent bug with vB4 as it does not happen with all 4.2.2 sites but let me verify on that last site because I have it working now but the past few nights I can't tell you how I fixed what, that many issues have arose I've had to fix it's been some long nights.
07-26-2014, 04:35 AM
Looks great man! Now if only I understood remotely how to make the Suite part look decent. :P
08-09-2014, 11:36 AM
Looks great man! Now if only I understood remotely how to make the Suite part look decent. :P
I just checked out your site. I've been a gamer for over 20 years. I've built, helped build, moderator-ed, and been a member of gaming clans during that time.
Your gaming site is absolutely the VERY best I've ever seen! So, you must be doing something right :)
I really do think your design has set a standard for a gaming site that would be VERY hard to beat. Judging by what I saw here (
Who is your designer?
08-11-2014, 09:45 PM
I'm having trouble finding out where to change this text color. (red arrow points to text in question). I simply want to lighten it up to make it more visible.
08-13-2014, 02:27 PM
I added this template but the icons are not showing up so I am assuming images are not working correctly. Shows a broken image link, ideas?
08-13-2014, 02:54 PM
I added this template, but the icons are not showing up so I am assuming the images are not working correctly. Shows a broken image link, ideas?
For what vb version are you using? I have 4.2.2 and it works for me
09-17-2014, 10:52 AM
I have a question about the link-color.
If I set my Global->link_color to a specified color - it does not only change the link color in the Postings itself - it also changes the color of several links in the forum. (which sounds it is "global"..)
For example the subforum titles. (As they are cklickable links)
How can I change the link color of links that were posted by any user in a posting - without affecting other links in my forum, like subforum titles?
Thanks :)
09-17-2014, 10:56 AM
Try adding this to your additional.css for the style.
.postlist .postbody .content .postcontent a {
color: red;
And change red to your desired color.
09-17-2014, 11:09 AM
Try adding this to your additional.css for the style.
.postlist .postbody .content .postcontent a {
color: red;
And change red to your desired color.
Thanks a lot. :) It works :)
(I used CSS color code..but works)
09-17-2014, 11:48 AM
Glad to hear. :)
10-19-2014, 03:58 AM
Does this version of your style skin the Articles section of vbulletinsuite_4.2.2. ON my site your style does not work with that area of VB. :( How can this be updated or fixed?
12-27-2014, 07:30 PM
Not working well for 4.2.3 so had to remove it pity really liked this skin
12-28-2014, 09:00 AM
What was the issues? Not working well is not very descriptive. :)
01-05-2015, 03:38 PM
help me please
01-08-2015, 04:21 PM
help me please
Did you upload images to the correct directories?
01-14-2015, 04:51 AM
I really love this theme, thanks so much for putting the work into it and also making it free haha. I just have one question though, is it possible to widen it? I am working on a new forum and I just added the sidebar to show recent posts, but it makes the forum extremely small which does not seem appealing to me. If there is a way to fix it I would really appreciate it, if not I guess I'll just get rid of the sidebar.
01-14-2015, 09:46 AM
Did you upload images to the correct directories?
in images/styles
01-16-2015, 02:58 AM
Does 4.2.3 break the theme? I can't even get it to show up in the theme selection.
Oh yeah, and it's a broken mess when switching to it, apparently. Fudge.
Unless I just installed it incorrectly. Which is entirely possible since I've not installed a theme before this one. I used the instructions in main post.
01-20-2015, 09:09 PM
I'm getting this error when trying to edit the css of the theme. Any idea whats wrong?
01-20-2015, 09:43 PM
Cause you are not supposed to be editing the styles that way, use the Style Variable Editor.
01-24-2015, 04:58 PM
Ok thanks Ozzy. Also I have a couple other questions. Is it possible to resize the text that displays how many threads/posts there are on each forum category? It seems small and hard to read for me personally. Also I get this error after going to advanced editor and editing a post, I'm not sure where it came from. Any help is appreciated.
01-26-2015, 06:34 PM
Ok thanks Ozzy. Also I have a couple other questions. Is it possible to resize the text that displays how many threads/posts there are on each forum category? It seems small and hard to read for me personally. Also I get this error after going to advanced editor and editing a post, I'm not sure where it came from. Any help is appreciated.
If you're running vB 4.2.2 and php 5.4, you may need to include some error hiding snippets of code in your config file.
See here:
If the errors still persist after including those snippets of code in your config.php then please lets us know HOWEVER please do so by posting in the appropriate forum for such a question which would be... sec new tab to get link ;)... ahh here it is!
03-14-2015, 09:37 PM
Nice theme. It's gives my users a good dark complement to my default theme (which is a bit brighter for some). This was suggested to me by one of my users too.
02-19-2016, 11:43 AM
Does 4.2.3 break the theme? I can't even get it to show up in the theme selection.
Oh yeah, and it's a broken mess when switching to it, apparently. Fudge.
Unless I just installed it incorrectly. Which is entirely possible since I've not installed a theme before this one. I used the instructions in main post.
Works perfect with 4.2.3 and PHP 5.4/5.5 ;)
Do you use SSL? Had a similar issue when used a self-signed of the content won't load correct. Using official CA signed SSL Certificate fixed it.
Sorry if I cant help you.
Here you can see - it works on 4.2.3 with php5.5 and vbadvanced (I customized it a tiny bit)...shitty quality comes from this forums image quality reduce:
02-19-2016, 03:36 PM
Thank you
02-20-2016, 04:43 AM
The secret is you have to put the Avenger folder in the images root folder. The url's in the programming are pointing to that location and are expecting to find their content there.
If you add another folder or put the Avenger folder elsewhere it won't work.
I put the Avenger folder in the images root directory and then uploaded the xml sheet. I told it to ignore the style version and lo and behold, it works just fine. I ran through the functions and the threads and didn't find any problems. Only thing is the thread view icons are the VB default ones and will have to be changed to something else. Minor details.
Mike I like this one too. Now I have the blue and black fluid. What else you got?
02-20-2016, 05:45 AM
I am still of the opinion that this is the #1 free vb style.
04-21-2016, 09:31 PM
Mike I like this one too. Now I have the blue and black fluid. What else you got?
That's it seti - everything else is custom i.e. all other styles I've fabricated have been per site and custom for the owners. I had re-released one of Sofia's styles from a while back but never got around to updating it for current versions.
I am still of the opinion that this is the #1 free vb style.
Thanks! :cool:
04-25-2016, 11:30 AM
I was told this works fine on 4.2.3, confirmed for myself today that it does indeed work on 4.2.3. If you're installing for the first time/updating simply select "Ignore Style Version" when importing the style.xml.
Papa Bear
09-04-2016, 06:23 PM
Not sure how I missed this..Works great on 4.2.4 Beta 3
09-06-2016, 07:57 PM
I don't see the difference between read and unread thread :-/ on your Avenger style. It is not good acording to basic UX rules.
I would by this style and the same but in light version.
I am searching for 1 style in 2 versions - light and dark.
Do you such style in your offer? (please PM me)
09-10-2016, 10:55 PM
I don't see the difference between read and unread thread :-/ on your Avenger style. It is not good acording to basic UX rules.
I would by this style and the same but in light version.
I am searching for 1 style in 2 versions - light and dark.
Do you such style in your offer? (please PM me)
- On the icons, one is white for new posts, other shaded grey for old posts - the thread icons are the default ones though.
- I don't have an "opposite" or "inverted colors" version of this available.
- We don't discuss paid modifications, paid styles, or paid services in mod threads (no worries just please remember in the future).
04-06-2017, 03:15 AM
Killer skin, i cannot get icons to show? Ive done the upload process as you mentioned.
04-18-2017, 10:17 PM
Works on 4.2.4
Very nice.
02-07-2018, 07:22 PM
Love this style :up:
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