View Full Version : Minecraft Addon?

06-12-2014, 06:07 PM
Hello guys, I just wanted to know if there is anyway to get players to add in their minecraft accounts with authentication so that we really know it's their account upon registration. And their avatar is automatically their skin. Please help, thanks!

EDIT: I don't need it to communicate with my server I just need it to get their Minecraft accounts so that I know who's who on the forums/server. Again thanks

06-12-2014, 06:21 PM
Uhh, isn't that against the TOS for Minecraft?

06-12-2014, 06:24 PM
Uhh, isn't that against the TOS for Minecraft?

Is it?

--------------- Added 1402601650 at 1402601650 ---------------

Uhh, isn't that against the TOS for Minecraft?

I haven't heard that because many servers that use Enjin have that and Xenforo aswell.

06-12-2014, 07:57 PM
Doesn't mean its not against the TOS of minecraft.

06-13-2014, 03:35 PM
There is a way, by making big changes to the login (hooks). I've never seen an add-on for this though.