View Full Version : Problem with posting articles containing aligned images

05-27-2014, 10:07 AM

Our vBulletin CMS version: 4.22, PHP version: 5.4.26

We have a serious problem with posting articles including aligned images (as attachments).

This is how we replicate this error:

Create a new article, paste some text content in source mode of WYSIWYG editor
Insert an image in source mode of editor
Switch to WYSIWYG mode to align the image
Double-click on image to see alignment options, set align left
Return back to
source mode, all content disappears!!!

We tried the suggested code changes in the following forum message, but it didn't help.

Our problem is probably not related with text characters; it is related with images and WYSIWYG editor.


05-27-2014, 04:19 PM
Do you already have this line added to your config.php file?

define('SKIP_ALL_ERRORS', true);