View Full Version : Upgrade from 3.8.7 to 5 - will upgraded forum function better than my current one?

05-09-2014, 03:41 PM
I have been running vb 3.8.7 with the following mods, for years now:

vbseo - this is for SEO
iTrader - this is a rating system
vbAnonymizer - this makes it so that when someone clicks on a URL to go outside the forum, the link is anonymized
Mood - users allowed to post their moods
Miserable Users - this is a half way step below banning a user
Post Thank You Hack - users allowed to post Thank You
External Link Titles - URLs posted within posts are converted automatically to complete sentences matching the title of the external link
Cyb - Advanced Forum statistics - statistics posted at bottom
Google Adsense - allows me to post Google ads at the top (banner) and also after the first and fifth post of each thread.
Auto Thread Tagger - ads tags to threads automatically as a new thread is created
Spambot stopper - this stops most bots from registering by rejecting registration that occur in under 15 seconds.

How many of these mods will be native under vb 5?

I can do the research to figure out which mods are available for vb 5 but aren't some of the above just native to vb 5?

And then, if I get mobile suite, will it run functionally the same as the vb 5 for website?

Should I make this jump to vb 5 given that my forum is running okay now? I have started to encounter some issues with Auto Thread Tagger I had to disable it:

Paul M
05-09-2014, 04:17 PM
None of those mods are native to vBulletin 5.
None of them will function in vB5, nor are there any vB5 replacements for most of them (possibly even any of them).

The performance of vB5 is not any better than vB3, indeed it will generally be slower.

I dont know enough about mobile suite in vB5 to comment on that.

In short, I would advise you to remain as you are.

Max Taxable
05-09-2014, 04:23 PM
Should I make this jump to vb 5 given that my forum is running okay now? Think, compelling reasons for the "upgrade.".

And read: Upgrade myth busted. (http://ozzmodz.com/showthread.php/1367-The-quot-need-to-upgrade-quot-myth-busted)

05-09-2014, 05:52 PM
Well, I have another forum running vb 4, and I know some of the stuff is native, for example no need for vbseo (SEO is native on vb 4) so I assume SEO is native on vb 5 too.

I am having some problems now that my hosting is upgraded to PHB 5.4
so I'm looking into upgrading once and for all, not piecemeal to 3.8.8

Paul M
05-09-2014, 08:34 PM
Like I said, none of them are native to vB5.
vbseo is a lot more than just pretty urls, its not really native to vB4/5.
You asked for advice, and you have it. Move to 3.8.8 if you need php 5.4 compatability.

05-09-2014, 09:46 PM
Look at the vbulletin chart on this page: https://tools.digitalpoint.com/cookie-search

It's bad when only 1% of your customers are running your new flagship software. There's a good reason for it too. Just read some of the discussion going on:

And look at the bug list:
http://tracker.vbulletin.com/browse/VBV#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.p roject%3Aissues-panel

05-09-2014, 11:05 PM
Well one thing I really prefer on my vb4 forum to my vb3 is ability to post images directly, without first having to host them.

Also, the ability to copy and paste text and maintain the color and font. PMs are much more sophisticated in vb4 than vb3 too.

So it's not like I prefer vb3 to vb4, just I prefer the vb3 I have modified to the vb4, but it looks like it might be time to move on, and I especially believe that the mobile suite will work better with vb5 than vb3 (but, I might be wrong - I don't know anything about mobile suite yet).

Does mobile suite allow the Google ads?

05-09-2014, 11:27 PM
The mobile suite probably works best in vB4. AdSense is not allowed in mobile apps by Google, you have to use admob.

05-11-2014, 01:51 AM
Whatever you do, do NOT move to vb5. I can understand your reasoning that it may be time to move on. But vb5 is not the solution to your problem. Currently vb3/vb4 is the best that vbulletin has to offer.

Max Taxable
05-11-2014, 02:05 AM
Whatever you do, do NOT move to vb5. I can understand your reasoning that it may be time to move on. But vb5 is not the solution to your problem. Currently vb3/vb4 is the best that vbulletin has to offer.And like I was advising.... Try to find that really compelling reason. It's really hard if not impossible to find when one really starts thinking on it.

05-11-2014, 07:41 AM
vB4 is an option, I like vB4 and it works for us
vB5 license gives you vB4

Max Taxable
05-11-2014, 03:06 PM
vB4 is an option, I like vB4 and it works for us
vB5 license gives you vB4AND vB 3.8.8 as well.

05-11-2014, 03:14 PM
3.8.8 sounds the best option here.

Max Taxable
05-11-2014, 03:18 PM
3.8.8 sounds the best option here.It's going to be faster than v4, it is much more slim out of the box. Database isn't nearly as bloated. The styles, mods and plugins available are fully mature. I've never seen a compelling reason (that word again) to abandon it.