View Full Version : Need help with rescue vB5 --> vB4

04-26-2014, 03:40 PM
We got upgraded from vB4 to vB5 and it has not been good. My userbase has (rightfully so) wandered off due to glitches, bugs, and overall poor development from vBulletin.

I have copied the 'vb4archive' files that they made prior to installing vB5 into a new directory (/forum2).
I have created a new database and restored a .sql file from prior to the "upgrade" into the ned db
I set the db name/user/pass in includes/config.php to the correct info

When I go to domain.com/forum2/forum.php I see a page with no/broken style, a login screen and other various unstlyed text. If I try to log in, it redirects me to the existing /forum. So it seems that I need a way to change the baseurl.

If I go to /forum2/admincp, I am presented with the vB4 admincp login screen. If I log in, it redirects to domain.com/forum2/login.php?do=login and then back to admincp. In spite of the address bar saying 'forum2', I actually think that's a redirect to /forum's login script, but I could be wrong.

So, should I set vB4 software up again so that all the base urls and whatnot are correct? Or is there a setting somewhere for me to do that without a full reinstall?

04-26-2014, 04:36 PM
In all likelyness, the Forum URL in your database backup still points to your old directory (forum), and that's why all your stylesheets etc. won't be included properly.

Use tools.php to change the forum url. Reupload your install folder (if not present), upload tools.php from your vbulletin package to your admincp folder and call the file directly in your browser. Follow directions there.

04-26-2014, 04:50 PM
Thank you, cellarius. I had run across a few similar references to tools.php.

04-26-2014, 05:47 PM
You may also have to change cookie prefix and path, if conflicts with vB5 arise. Since I keep my distance from vB5, I have no idea how cookies are handled there.