View Full Version : CMS Widget question

04-17-2014, 01:45 PM
Hi, I have a simple Static HTML widget showing in the sidebar of my CMS.

I have a number of pages of articles, but only want it to display on page 1, so it's on only displayed on one SINGLE page (I.E: just the homepage)

Is there a way of doing that?

04-17-2014, 05:04 PM
Since you set a layout for a section, if you don't want the articles to have the same layout as the Home section, then put them in a different Section and give it a layout without that widget.

04-18-2014, 08:57 AM
The issue I have is that I want the widget to show on


but not on:


Do you see what I mean?

04-18-2014, 02:55 PM
Once you create a new section in the "admincp --> section manager", you may assign the new section a new layout.

1.) Pre-create a new section layout via the "admincp -> Layout Manager". This will contain your new or different widgets.
2.) Create new section in the admincp.
3.) Assign content to this new section. (Make sure it is published).
4.) Select your 'Articles' or 'Home' tab and select your new section.
5.) Now select via the 'pencil' and edit the section layout.

Note - On an existing section you can also assign a different layout. Use the 'Pencil' editor on the section page.

This is what @Lynne was referring too, I just expanded it.

04-18-2014, 06:43 PM
Thanks both for your help, but perhaps I'm not making clear what I'm trying to do. I don't want to customise a different section. I'm trying to customise pages of the same section

My homepage shows the latest 12 articles in my CMS. There are multiple pages to my homepage showing the rest of the articles. The user navigates to the other pages using the tool at the bottom of the page (pictured below).

I just want to ensure that the widget only appears on p.1 of the CMS (i.e. the homepage), and not the other 6 pages.

Does that make sense? Sorry if it already did and I'm just widely misinterpreting your replies.


04-18-2014, 07:55 PM
I see what you are looking for. There is an old post on vBulletin.org where I show how to do something similar (simply modify the widget code, I think). Let me see if I can find it. If not, I will re-post as soon as I have the time. Glad you took the time to clarify the question. :)

04-19-2014, 10:22 AM
I see what you are looking for. There is an old post on vBulletin.org where I show how to do something similar (requires to simply modify the widget code). Let me see if I can find it. If not, I will re-post as soon as I have the time. Glad you took the time to clarify the question. :)

Great - that sounds perfect. If you can dig it out it would be greatly appreciated :)