View Full Version : Thread Delete Mistake

04-01-2014, 12:57 AM
if I mistakenly deleted a thread, is it possible that I can still recover it somehow? are thread or post deletes stored in a trash area that is recoverable?

04-01-2014, 12:59 AM
Permanently deleted - no, they're removed from the database.

04-01-2014, 01:11 AM
can I pull it from a older database during a backup and re-insert it back into my current database? mysql database I assume.

04-01-2014, 01:23 AM
Not recommended, but,

1. Restore into a temporary area
2. Extract the threads, posts, attachment data (and poll data?) you need into a SQL file
3. Reload the data
4. Run the admincp tools to rebuild various counters etc
5. Hope you got it right

Also read here, http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum/vbulletin-legacy-versions-products/legacy-vbulletin-versions/vbulletin-3-6-questions-problems-and-troubleshooting/223265-restore-deleted-thread-from-backup-summary-and-sanity-check

04-01-2014, 01:34 AM
ok...I might be in luck here then. I also just have the thread with 66 posts, no attachments, or polling or anything on it, so maybe that might make it a little easier. Thanks for the advice :)

04-01-2014, 01:37 AM
Not a problem. :)