View Full Version : Email notification on new thread or new reply in a Forum

Kevin Green
10-22-2001, 12:26 PM
As the title says what I'd like to do is:-

Have users subscribe to a Forum

Then when someone starts a new thread all users subscribed to the Forum containing the thread should get an email. I have enabled this through a code hack & it works fine.

When someone replies to an existing thread all subscribed users of the Forum containing the thread should get an email.

Finally, I know that currently if you subscribe to a thread and get an email notification, if you do not go to the Forum/Thread & read it you will get no further email notifications. I would like the email notifications to continue to be sent regardless of whether the user visited the Forum/thread after getting the first notification.

Anyone able to help?

Many thanks:D

Marc T Smith
11-13-2001, 12:20 AM
This is exactly what I'm looking for.

11-16-2001, 05:36 PM
. I have enabled this through a code hack & it works fine.

Which code/hack have you used? I haven't been able to find anything more about this feuture other than that; "There may exist a hack on vbulletin.org, but don't use it, cause it doesn't work" (two sepate pieces of advice from vbulletin.com)

Marc T Smith
11-16-2001, 05:54 PM
I sure would like to know as well. That would solve half of my 'problem. I run a small board and do not advertise. I'm more concerned with bandwidth and convenience. I don't want users to HAVE to come back to the board to read a response. I did change one of the e-mail templates and now whenever a notification goes out it does contain the message contents. Of course, there is the 'if there are any more responses we won't send you another notice until you come to the board' bit - but I can live with that (but would prefer an e-mail for every response - for my users - I just put myself in as a moderator so I get what I want).

> Then when someone starts a new thread all users subscribed
> to the Forum containing the thread should get an email.

If you're really talking about Forum subscribers getting an e-mail when a new Thread within that forum is started (or if any existing thread in the subscribed forum is posted to), and not just Thread subscribers, then I sure would like to know about the hack you did.