View Full Version : Change default text font

03-27-2014, 07:32 PM
Hey guys,

I am having another issue, it seems my font doesn't want to change.
Am I doing something wrong? I want to change the default text font, but it just doesn't change, can someone tell me where I can change the default font settings? I am using a theme from talktemplate.

Thank you in advance!

03-27-2014, 08:12 PM
Some style creators also have you install a plugin which then inserts their own stylevars to be used, I cannot remember off the top of my head if talktemplate does this... if so the stylevar to change could be within those stylevars.

Normally to change font style/size etc for the entire board you would change the font stylevar:
AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > Style Variable Editor > *Scroll to find the Global family of stylevars, now look for the stylevar font and edit accordingly.