View Full Version : how do we protect our users security and freedoms?

03-21-2014, 02:49 AM
So im curious as to how secure vb4 is. Is it ssl compatible. Can we protect our users data freedoms and liberties.

I went to a seminar a couple of days ago on the new digital age and the future of our internet. It revealled some shocking things on how our information is being sold be facebook, youtube, amazon etc..

One example was a graph on user analytics which predict when we will be in a relationship before we even know it. I was stunned at its accuracy.

Another was records of messages that we type and dont even post also being recorded. You know, the ones where we type something that we realise we dont want to say, adn we delete without posting. Those ones too.

As forum owners, we have a great opportunity to offer our users something they do not have with the bigger websites.

Just watched the Edward Snowden TED talk which also brought some additional insight


So my question is, is this possible. To create websites that scramble user information and protect their freedoms and liberties?