View Full Version : Latest security patch - 4.1x to 4.2x upgrade

03-20-2014, 04:33 AM
So after last security patch required a manual update for older 4.1x users
anyone else still running 4.1x and having problems upgrading to 4.2x to stay up to date?

ie: first time I tried upgrading to 4.2 when it came out it didn't work so well - so stayed at 4.1x
but now with latest update only easy for 4.2 users - seems like support for older 4.1x
users will only get worse.

03-20-2014, 05:05 AM
...but now with latest update only easy for 4.2 users - seems like support for older users will only get worse.

Manually updating the files (for non 4.2.2) per instructions on vbulletin.com only took like 5 minutes.


03-20-2014, 05:15 AM
well sure - but how long until "not supported" at all?
Why couldn't they make an easy 4.1x patch?

Main Question though is - Did you have any problems trying to upgrade to 4.2 - so have stayed at 4.1?

03-20-2014, 05:31 AM
Currently running 4.2.0, since one mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=283123) I still use hasn't been upgraded for use with 4.2.2 yet (although it is suppose to soon and then I'll upgrade).

All upgrades I've done thus far I haven't had issues with, but I don't have any experience with the upgrade to 4.2.2 yet.

It seems that many of the issues originally reported by those upgrading to 4.2.2 were worked out with a few tweaks to the upgrade process. The rest seemed to revolve around numerous 3rd party mods that weren't compatible with php 5.4, which many were moving to at the same time.

Do you remember what issues you initially had?

03-20-2014, 05:41 AM
I think it was mostly due to changes with the new easy create drop down menu system.
I guess I had a lot of third party ways of doing it- prior to their own method
which ended up being non-compatible -

Apparently the upgrade scripts didn't like them much - so it didn't work so well :(