View Full Version : How to restrict abilities during formal warning

03-19-2014, 07:12 PM
I'm looking for a mod that will allow me to basically put members in a group that will restrict their abilities and what they can do while they are on a formal warning(A warning that can be set through the Warning System). :)

03-19-2014, 07:18 PM
You could make a new group with whatever permissions you want, then move a member to that group when needed. I am not sure if there is a plugin for this you could try searching

03-19-2014, 07:20 PM
I have already looked around. :)

And if a member was receiving a formal warning and a moderator was issuing it, they would need access to the Admin CP to move them.

03-19-2014, 07:28 PM
Make two forums in your admin section call them User Infractions and Post Reporting then go to admincp/settings/options/User Infractions & Post Reporting Options then when a mod gives a infraction you will know and do what is needed to the member

03-19-2014, 07:29 PM
I already have it set up like that. However if a member is being given a formal warning, it's something that I would not like sitting around if an Admin can not get to it.

03-19-2014, 07:32 PM
How would an admin not get to it when they can see the post made about it

03-19-2014, 07:38 PM
If they're not on at the time.

03-19-2014, 07:44 PM
Don't know if you mean the mod, member or admin but that does not matter the post won't go away and it can be talked about when they are on. Its not as you are in a rush and besides the post should give whatever info/reason why the infraction was given

03-19-2014, 07:49 PM
I'm talking about the Admin.

Force, you're missing my point. If it is a serious violation that warrants limited access with a formal warning but not yet a ban, then it should be sitting there if it is something of a concern.

Hmm, I thought of maybe having it setup where mods could move the members into a restricted warning group like a mod tool, but it just seems better to have it all in one swoop.

03-22-2014, 02:28 PM
Just bumping this up. :)

03-22-2014, 02:45 PM
It is unclear what you are looking for as I am reading through this thread. I would try not reinventing the wheel here as this does not seem to be a big issue with the average board. I think @ForceHSS did a pretty good job of directing you to a possible solution.

My discovery for this topic turned up nothing relevant so you may wish to reword your question, as it may help attract more germane responses.

03-22-2014, 04:05 PM
do you mean like when a member gets a certain amount of reports combined by reported posts that they would instantly go into another usergroup for a certain number of days...

thats a good idea!!!

It would lighten the monitor time for sure :)

03-22-2014, 07:18 PM
Why not allow your moderator's to do their jobs via Modcp and move the members into a restricted warning group. Then they do not need acp access

03-23-2014, 04:59 AM

Create a usergroup, with the *limited* permissions you want, then:
User Infractions > Add New User Infraction Group

Set Points equal to the amount of points users get when they "seriously" violate a rule.
Change Primary Usergroup to the usergroup you made with limited permissions, and set Override display to yes?

What's wrong with doing it that way?

I'm also assuming by "Warnings" you either mean 0 point infractions, or just mean infractions. In either case, if it's a *serious* issue, then the user should actually get an infraction.

03-23-2014, 05:25 AM
do you mean like when a member gets a certain amount of reports combined by reported posts that they would instantly go into another usergroup for a certain number of days...

thats a good idea!!!

It would lighten the monitor time for sure :)

No, just by certain warnings.

Why not allow your moderator's to do their jobs via Modcp and move the members into a restricted warning group. Then they do not need acp access

Because should an Admin not be on, the mods are able to do it. Looks like the reply below might have found something.


Create a usergroup, with the *limited* permissions you want, then:
User Infractions > Add New User Infraction Group

Set Points equal to the amount of points users get when they "seriously" violate a rule.
Change Primary Usergroup to the usergroup you made with limited permissions, and set Override display to yes?

What's wrong with doing it that way?

I'm also assuming by "Warnings" you either mean 0 point infractions, or just mean infractions. In either case, if it's a *serious* issue, then the user should actually get an infraction.

What I mean is informal warnings, like PM's, not anything through the infraction system. Once it gets to where I send a warning through the system, it would be considered a formal warning with limitations. Nevertheless, I'll try this out. :)

03-23-2014, 02:27 PM
It is unclear what you are looking for as I am reading through this thread. I would try not reinventing the wheel here as this does not seem to be a big issue with the average board. I think @ForceHSS did a pretty good job of directing you to a possible solution.

My discovery for this topic turned up nothing relevant so you may wish to reword your question, as it may help attract more germane responses.

I did not answer any more as he was not making himself clear as you can see it as well

03-24-2014, 03:09 AM
I did not answer any more as he was not making himself clear as you can see it as well

I'll elaborate, but I don't appreciate you making statements like this:

How would an admin not get to it when they can see the post made about it

I have my setup like that for good reason, and I prefer to have it like that.

So you're on my board and for minor violations and the way I have my system set up, you get informal PM's that are not through the system. They're put down in your notes and that's it. Eventually you will get a formal warning, which would be logged in the built in warning system. On a forum I'm on, when you are given a formal warning, your username color changes and you lose certain abilities. The formal warnings normally last 3-4 days there, but I'm not really concerned as the time as much as I am with the restriction abilities.

Zantox did give my a possible solution though. :)

Simon Lloyd
03-24-2014, 08:31 AM
Ok well firstly we'd need details of your warning system, where you got it, how it works and if not copyright post the code so we can help, if it's copyright then you'd have to ask the creator for a modification to it, if you are indeed talking about the infraction system (where you say "built in warning system") then thats a different matter.

03-24-2014, 03:07 PM
I don't have the code for it because it is custom software from years ago. I just have the concept of it.

Simon Lloyd
03-24-2014, 03:20 PM
If it's already coded and you cant provide it you'll have to pay someone to build this mod for you as they will need access to your admin cp and server files for the forum.

03-24-2014, 04:03 PM
As I said you never made yourself clear you never said it was a custom system if you did I would of told you to get in touch with the coder. Making things clear helps everyone work things out.

03-24-2014, 04:09 PM
Infractions would cover this, if you took the time to set this up.

03-24-2014, 07:30 PM
If it's already coded and you cant provide it you'll have to pay someone to build this mod for you as they will need access to your admin cp and server files for the forum.

Simon it is on vBulletin, it's a custom coded software.

Anyways, I'll test it out with the infraction system.