View Full Version : Facebook

03-16-2014, 04:06 AM
I'm not sure exactly if I have a problem or not nor if I can explain it properly ...

Just today I noticed on my forum that at the top left of every thread, just beneath the "post reply" button is a "facebook like" button. By selecting it facebook links the "liked" post to my personal fb page.

I have a couple of issues regarding this ...

1. I distinctly turned off fb via my forum's Admin CP a few weeks ago (wasn't sure if it was functioning to begin with)
2. I have 2 additional fb pages (another personal business page and a forum related page) and when I am not logged into my personal page, a different facebook link asking me to "switch" appears.

Issue #2 has been causing me problems on other sites as well recently ... such as news sites where I wish to get in depth coverage of a story. The "switch" feature ends up blocking most of the news that I am trying to read.

So my question is this ...

1. How do I deactivate/remove any and all facebook related features/links/software/whatever from my forum?

Basically, I do not want facebook to have any control/say over anything I do outside of facebook itself. What do I need to do to accomplish that?


03-20-2014, 05:03 AM
follow up

not sure if this is a solution or not but I went back into Admin CP and double checked the Facebook settings.

Sure enough, fb was set to disabled. But I did find some settings that were still enabled. Based on the description of theses settings it may have allowed fb to function in some manner so out of precaution I changed all settings to disabled.

The link icon is no longer showing up in the threads on the forum. Though I am still having issues with other sites regarding the fb link to "switch" users but I don't think that is a forum related issue.