View Full Version : Bounce Rates on Google Analytics and Vbulletin

03-07-2014, 03:37 PM
We noticed our bounce rates went up quite high after we moved to VB 4 (ages ago) so been trying to suss it out. Vistors remain high and page views have dropped. I have set a 20 second time on site bounce rate on google analytics which took it down to 10% bounce rate but been trying to work out why our bounce rate went up from 40% to 75% on standard bounce rules (if such exist)

So, lots of visitors come into the site directly into a thread via a google search. In each thread there are links to other threads, at the bottom to similar threads and in the side bar also. So I'm wondering if a visitor goes from thread to thread without going ever going to the forum home page it would only show as one page view, or if that's a bit optimistic ?

Image of visitor flow might demonstrate what I mean - it doesn't show visitors going showthread.php to showthread.php

What does anyone think? and is there a way of making it pick up different threads if visitors travel through the site thread to thread.


03-10-2014, 07:52 AM
I also have bounce rate issue on my forum some times its around 50 to 60 and some times 70 to 75%