View Full Version : TAG permissions

02-23-2014, 12:07 AM

At the moment when a non-registered user clicks on a tag they cannot view the threads that are associated with that tag. However if a registered user clicks on the tag, he can see all the threads.

I can't find the permissions to allow non-registered users access to click on a tag and display all the threads associated with that tag ?

Thank you

02-23-2014, 12:44 AM
If you have tagging turned on, then Unregistered users should be able to view the tags. Are you talking about when you click on the tag and it takes you to a tag search? You would need to give Unregistered Users permission to search.

02-23-2014, 02:35 AM
Hi Ozzy yes that's the one, thank you I've found it now and it's working

02-23-2014, 02:39 AM
Excellent, glad to hear. :)