View Full Version : [REQUEST] Picture Icon next to subject if picture in post

09-10-2000, 01:20 AM

It would be really cool if I could show a picture icon next to the subject if the post contain a picture in it.

Like if it read there was the vb image code in the first post.

Any ideas? This would be very helpful. :)


09-13-2000, 10:56 AM
There is no way to do this then? Im would also be interested in this.

09-13-2000, 02:00 PM
I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to set a flag if the [ img] tag is found in a message and then show an icon.

09-13-2000, 04:02 PM
Can you show me how Rangerfan...please? :)

09-13-2000, 04:13 PM
Ermm not as easy. You would have to scan every message in a thread for an image and then paste that beside the thread title. That would not be very wise to do. Better way would be to set a field in the thread table that is true if there is an image. This is more work than I care to do :)

09-13-2000, 04:26 PM

09-14-2000, 12:54 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to just add another message icon for an image? IE: let people set it themselves...not perfect, but simple and will probably help.

09-14-2000, 04:57 PM
Not a bad idea, but it would not work in my case since I am already using three different icons for the For sale, Trade, or Classifieds forum I want to us it in.