View Full Version : Registration - User Profile Field

02-17-2014, 08:04 AM
Could anyone tell me how to change the position of a user profile field for the registration page. I've created a custom question which I would like to appear as the first question.


02-17-2014, 09:01 AM
ACP>User Profile Fields>User Profile Field Manager>
Look at your display order and set as required. Then save display order..

02-18-2014, 07:52 AM
ACP>User Profile Fields>User Profile Field Manager>
Look at your display order and set as required. Then save display order..

Thanks, but it's not the display order on the registration form where it inserts the additional fields, I want to define where they are to be displayed before the 'User Name'

02-19-2014, 12:09 PM
No one?

02-19-2014, 12:19 PM
Hmm this seems like you should be able to achieve this, what is is though is the location of the variables in the template itself... one sec let me check... (will edit post once I do brb)

Edit: Ok so yes like I was thinking just location of code in template, it should be so simple as:

AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > *Edit Templates of style in question > *Scroll to find "Registration Templates >>" and double-click to open that template "family" > *Now double-click to edit the template register and find:

{vb:raw customfields_other}

^ CUT that code from the template, now scroll back up to where you see the username code in the template which will look like:
<div class="section">
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="regusername">{vb:rawphrase username}:</label>

*Now paste the code as shown:
<div class="section">
{vb:raw customfields_other}
<div class="blockrow">
<label for="regusername">{vb:rawphrase username}:</label>

And that should move the custom profile fields you have added above the username HOWEVER be advised the titles such as "Additional/Require information" are no longer above the fields so it might look odd simply being FieldName1, 2, 3, 4 then Usertitle so you may want to wrap that customfields var in a div class not sure up to you really ;).

02-19-2014, 12:27 PM
Up :D

02-19-2014, 12:40 PM
Ok had template name wrong, typo should be template register I've corrected that in the above info.

02-20-2014, 08:33 AM
That for this Mr Kent, I'll give it a go and feed back. :)

Edit: should I have mentioned that I only require one of the custom fields above the User Name field before I try this, :(

02-20-2014, 12:35 PM
That for this Mr Kent, I'll give it a go and feed back. :)

Edit: should I have mentioned that I only require one of the custom fields above the User Name field before I try this, :(

Ahh in that case then skip this, the reason being the code:
{vb:raw customfields_other}

Houses all of your custom profile fields and you can't just pick and choose. This would require some heavy tinkering I'm afraid.