View Full Version : Usergroup isuse

Zippeh XF
02-07-2014, 07:36 AM
Earlier one of our admins volunteered to help another Admins with checking with rights on forums, and he had his usergroup set from Admin to Registered Member, when he was done he had his usergroup changed back to Administrator for Primary, but now when he access Admin Panel he only has 8 options, pretty much like Moderator panel, is he bugged or something or whats up?

All he did was set forum privs so a certain group could not see that forum

02-07-2014, 09:25 AM
1. You need to grant him back his administrator permissions (AdminCP->Usergroups->Administrator Permissions)

2. As you have seen for yourself, its a pretty stupid way to do testing. Why did that Admin not simply create a test user? Normally, every Admin should have such a testuser, or even more than one, with the different privileges and permissions.

Zippeh XF
02-07-2014, 12:24 PM
1. Thank you soooo much!, for that admin they were all set to no, and i changed em to yes, I just have to wait for him to get on so he can tell me if it worked, most likely it will.

2. noo idea haha..and thats good advice.