View Full Version : Changing a forum to category?

01-31-2014, 02:45 AM
I have a parent named X, which is a category. I have a bunch of forums that show on the site below this as forum B, C, D, E, F, G, H... etc. that contain posts and uploads.

I want to group all these forums [B=>H...] under the parent X. How would I do this, and will I lose any data in the forums [B=>H...]??? Hope that makes sense. Thanks!

Trying to clean up the list of forums and categorize them under a parent... thanks

Like this:


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02-17-2014, 08:00 PM

--------------- Added 1392681908 at 1392681908 ---------------

Ok, I figured it out. I have one other question.So basically I have a category, and under that a forum that calls the category as parent and then several sub forums that call the previous forum parent, is this correct? Also, I noticed that you can't post in the parent forum. Is that normal, but it shows stats and posts next to it that are from sub forums...? Thanks!

02-17-2014, 11:16 PM
If your parent is configured as a category, you will not be able to post in it. If you have it configured as a forum, you will be able to post in it.

02-18-2014, 01:06 AM
Parent is a forum, but won't let me post... not sure why. Maybe I should just change it to a category? Seems kind of retarded that you have a category, then a category under this then sub forums...