View Full Version : How to default payments.php to the first payment option

01-26-2014, 04:21 PM

If your forum offers subscriptions and you would like to have the first subscription payment option displayed on the payments.php page instead of the -----'s ,comment out line 162 in your payments.php file.

// $string = '<option value="">--------</option>';You'll need to make a note to go back and fix this after any forum upgrades.

This edit might need to be made on a slightly different line number depending on your version of vBulletin.

01-27-2014, 10:55 PM
I get why the -----'s existed now.

That was a hack to prevent the wrong payment value from being displayed if there are multiple subscriptions available for a site.

The above edit should only be used if you plan on offering only one subscription option.

I'd be interested in a fix to have the payment values displayed when there is a single payment option available for 2 or more subscription types instead of making users click the -----'s drop down menu first.