View Full Version : Scheduled Hourly Cleanup seems not working

01-20-2014, 12:07 AM

I am using vBulletin 4.2.2. It seems that "Hourly Cleanup" under "Scheduled Task Manager" does not work.

See attached schedule1.png and schedule2.png for my setting.

Based on the setting, it should run every hour but the next time running is Jan 13, 2014, a time older than now. So I think it is incorrect.

Recently my email receive a lot of email with subject "vBulletin Database Error!" and said table 'session' is full. And I have to run the "Hourly Cleanup" task manually to clear the 'session' table.

How to make the task run as scheduled?


01-20-2014, 06:26 AM
I am using vBulletin 4.2.2. It seems that "Hourly Cleanup" under "Scheduled Task Manager" does not work.

in vBulletin cron jobs/tasks are only executed via user activity. If no one is on the board fetching a new page the cron/task will not execute at the scheduled task time, and instead will be placed in a queue.

If your board is low activity and you need a precise time when activating the cron/task then you will need to trigger the cron/task via the server. This has been discussed several times here on vbulletin.org. I will try to find you a reference to one of the threads.

Check this thread about : MySQL Error : The table 'session' is full


01-20-2014, 11:17 PM
Thank you so much. Yes, the forum does not have many user activity, so can you please find the post regarding put the task on cron?

01-21-2014, 01:07 AM
Just do a search in the mods area for a mod with "cron" in the title and I think you should find it.