01-19-2014, 07:52 PM
We have users who are not allowed to have streaming media on their workstations. Ads with audio content are automatically classified as streaming media and, of course, all video material as well.
We are starting to get ads from our Google AdSense placements that automatically play audio for some of our users.
Since we would rather the users not use AdBlock, we would like to be able to block those ads. I cannot find a method to block those ads in the AdSense ad blocking interface.
The most promising approach looks like blocking ad networks which feature audio content. However, I cannot find a list of those networks even if I wanted to scan all 1200+ networks that Google is offering access to my site.
Does anyone know a way to get rid of the audio?
We are starting to get ads from our Google AdSense placements that automatically play audio for some of our users.
Since we would rather the users not use AdBlock, we would like to be able to block those ads. I cannot find a method to block those ads in the AdSense ad blocking interface.
The most promising approach looks like blocking ad networks which feature audio content. However, I cannot find a list of those networks even if I wanted to scan all 1200+ networks that Google is offering access to my site.
Does anyone know a way to get rid of the audio?