View Full Version : User Passwords and Email Domain/Confirmation

01-11-2014, 11:07 PM

Before i take the giant leap of buying vbulletin could someone please answer the questions below.

1. Can you restrict registrations to a specific e-mail domain?
2. Can you force users to change their password after a period of time e.g. 60 days?
3. As a user changes their password, can their account be set to inactive until they follow a re-activation link from an e-mail?

Other forum providers, who shall remain nameless, can do the first two of these but seem a bit unwilling to even consider the third question. If i can be guaranteed on all three then i will buy a licence and use vbulletin.

Thanks in advance

01-12-2014, 07:57 PM
1. This would require a custom modification (there may be one here) by default vBulletin allows you to ban specific domains but not allow only specific domains.

2. Yes, easy option in Usergroup Manager.

3. Yes it does this by default if you have email verification turned on in registration options.