View Full Version : Hacked? Webgains?

01-03-2014, 11:19 PM
Today I noticed when I click a link a user has posted, it goes through a URL called "webgains". At first, I thought just one user did something odd, but now I see it's any link anyone posts. The link looks normal, and it goes to the site intended, but first goes through this webgains. So I looked and webgains is some affiliate program and I am wondering if someone hacked my site and added their own affiliate program to make money off of my site?! I certainly didn't add it. I only use Skimlinks, and I don't believe it's affiliated with webgains from what I can tell. Of course I notice this Friday after they are closed for the weekend and they have no email support on their site, only telephone. I tried to check for an account under my email but there is nothing. I want to shut this down ASAP but don't even know where to start. Ideas of if this could be some hack or where it is coming from? :(

01-03-2014, 11:25 PM
Are you by chance using either one of these mods?

01-03-2014, 11:37 PM
Nope. And I double checked my mods to see if anything new had been added and there's nothing. And there's no custom BB Codes added, either.

01-03-2014, 11:42 PM
It might just be from SkimLinks

Skimlinks already has existing relationships with major vendors such as Amazon.com, K-Mart, and Dell onboard, as well as major affiliate networks such as Affiliate Future, Affiliate Window, Google Shopping, Trade Doubler, Commission Junction, Webgains, Link Share, and Zanox.

Disable it for a moment, then click on one of the links, and see what happens.

01-04-2014, 12:13 AM
Thank you - I could not find info like that anywhere and have never seen it do this before. Will check it now...

Ha ha, that was it. :o I was hacked last month and thought I had been hacked again. Thank you for your help!!

01-04-2014, 12:14 AM
Not a problem, glad that was it and not something else. :)