View Full Version : RSS Feeds Display.

12-29-2013, 01:42 AM
I can't get RSS feeds to show properly regardless of what I do, the bog standard settings

{feed:description} cuts off most of the article and that is just extremely annoying so I tried putting

{feed:content:encoded} that displayed nothing at all.

I seen on another site they seem to pull feeds perfectly if you have a look at this post: https://www.xboxmb.com/threads/158126-Xbox-One-is-%E2%80%9Cuncapped%E2%80%9D-according-to-Phil-Harrison

Is this a specific mod they use or is this something they have done themselves as I would love to get my feeds showing like this.

12-29-2013, 01:45 AM
It depends on where they get the feeds from, some sites allow the full text to be grabbed, some sites limit the content, as they want people to go to their site to read it.

Max Taxable
12-29-2013, 01:46 AM
Yep like Ozzy says it's often hit and miss.

12-29-2013, 01:52 AM
It depends on where they get the feeds from, some sites allow the full text to be grabbed, some sites limit the content, as they want people to go to their site to read it.

They grab it from here: http://www.thetechgame.com/rss.php

As you can see it shows the entire feed, they way they're inserting the image makesme think this is some coding they have done themselves because when I pull the feed the image is ontop text under and I only get the useless vb description.

12-29-2013, 02:00 AM
Did you try asking them what they did to get it like that?

12-29-2013, 02:07 AM
Did you try asking them what they did to get it like that?

Yeah, they have an ask the staff section, no response as yet.

12-29-2013, 02:08 AM
Ok give me a bit, I will pm you when I am finished with something.