View Full Version : How to "Lock Down" my site

Toorak Times
11-29-2013, 09:18 AM

Does anyone know a way I can lock down my site so that people cannot copy content. I know it can be done on Wordpress.

11-29-2013, 09:35 AM

Does anyone know a way I can lock down my site so that people cannot copy content. I know it can be done on Wordpress.

If your website sends data out that can be retrieved without credentials, then there is no such thing as it being not copyable the way the internet works today. You can slow people down, but that is about it.

11-29-2013, 09:40 AM
You can lock your site out to guests, by using user group manger.....Not sure if this is what your are talking about or not.

Toorak Times
11-29-2013, 10:15 AM
No mate, I want to stop cut and paste or copying media

11-29-2013, 10:25 AM
The simple answer: if you don't want to share then don't put it on the internet.

There are methods of making life very difficult for website harvesting bots aka site scrapers but against a human cut & pasting there is no credible defense. Some folk of course do still disable the right-click action on the mouse but of course any web dev with half a brain will just view the source code and lift it out that way.

You could of course wrap your code up in a PDF but this plays merry havoc with SEO as search bots cannot read them, but it does take a bit longer to extract information from them.

All the above may sound a bit demoralizing but on the flip-side Google has a long memory and is well used to spotting duplicate content. It will remember where the content first appeared and reward that site accordingly.

Of course as a last resort make the site private and hide it behind a password, inviting in only
those that you trust.

Toorak Times
11-29-2013, 11:00 AM
Thanks guys, all good.

I was justing thinking of ways of trying to protect my content contributors but your words are well heard.