View Full Version : How can I make someone supermoderator but restrict him from seeing ip

11-24-2013, 12:32 PM
I want to make an user supermod but I dont want him to see ip adress I just want to give him permissions to supermod panel and to ban users, close, move stick threads.

I tried modifying the supermod permissons and clicked no in "can see ip adress" but when I chose "can access supermod panel" automatically it gives him permisson to see ip adress anyways.

Any lack of understanding let me know pls :)

If again I am in the wrong category or place where should I ask?

11-24-2013, 12:42 PM
If you don't want them to be able to see IP addresses then there really isn't a reason to give access to the ModCP at all, except for posting announcements I think, but you didn't post that in your list. All the things you mention are doable without the ModCP so I think it's just easier to not give access at all.